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Re: Cygnus gdb problem on Win95

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Cygnus gdb problem on Win95
Date: 01 Apr 1998 08:39:41 -0800

>>>>> "WS" == Wengui Su <address@hidden> writes:

WS> I didn't use yours swarm.exe since I already set up all of the
WS> neccesary environment variables in my autoexec.bat, which
WS> inherited by the bash when I start the shell within emacs, include
WS> the path to gdb.exe. Do I need to set up the things in emacs
WS> again?

Although InstallShield would be more than happy to let us munge folks'
autoexec.bat, etc. I purposely avoided that for two reasons 1) it
seems a bit rude, and 2) I wanted to come up with whatever was
necessary to re-assert a sane environment.  #2 is currently realized
by swarm.exe or a vars.el file that Emacs would use if you use that
swarm.exe I posted with the "-e" feature.

WS> I add your's above line in my .emacs, and it disable the path, and
WS> I couldn't start gdb again anymore.

The only way I can see that happening is if CYGROOT doesn't
have a correct value.  (getenv "CYGROOT") should report "C:\\Cygnus\\B19".
(I'm not sure what you mean by "disable the path", though.)

WS> I used the OPTFLAGS=-oo to recompile my application, but it didn't
WS> generate the object files(*.o) with that option
WS> anymore. OPTFLAGS=-OO(capital o) doesn't recognize by make.

It's `dash', `the letter O', and `the number zero'.

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