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Re: swarm on Win95

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: swarm on Win95
Date: 02 Apr 1998 12:28:27 -0800

>>>>> "DT" == Dawn Trembath <address@hidden> writes:

DT> There are many
DT> errors when I try to 'make' swarm, but I don't yet know how to
DT> capture a screen to a file in Cygnus, or the comparable command to
DT> 'more', so I can't really tell you what these are.

You can capture the output of make like so:

  $ (make -C swarm-1.1 2>&1) > make.log

DT> I guess my first question is exactly where all of the pieces are
DT> supposed to go in relation to each other.  Where does Swarm go in
DT> relation to Cygnus B19?  In a subdirectory of B19?  Or does this
DT> matter?

I'd suggest accepting the defaults of C:\Cygnus\B19 (installing
cdk.exe and usertools.exe) and C:\Swarm (installing win32Swarm.exe).

DT> Also, where do the extra pieces that I have downloaded
DT> belong?

DT> It looks like: Tcl/Tk, BLT, gcc and gdb
DT> are all included with Cygnus B19, so I only need: xpm, tclobjc and
DT> GNU make, right?  Which directories do I need to put them in?

For the Windows 95/NT Development Kit, you don't need to get any of that.
Just grab the three self extracting files mentioned on the release page.

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