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From: J.J. Merelo Guervos
Subject: EvIPD 0.1 README
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 98 12:49:06 +0200

And here's the README.txt file...

This directory contains the sources for IPDworld a basic
multi-agent implementation of an evolutionary IPD.

To be able to compile IPDworld you have to have installed
Swarm. For this look at http://www.santafe.edu/projects/swarm.
We used Swarm v.1.05, but probably it will be an easy task to
port the sources to v.1.1.

As soon as you have Swarm edit the SWARMHOME variable in
the makefile to let it point to the directory where Swarm is
Afterwards you should just have to make the program (using
the same setup, you used for installing swarm).

Legal stuff
The code in this distribution is absolutely free, use it,
change it, do with it what you want (if you do something
great, mention us :).

About the code
The program is working, but probably you will notice that
it was done in a hurry and in parts is at least ugly. Maybe
some of the included classes have the potential to be extended
to be useable outside of this project. If you have some ideas
just fell free.

For complaints, cries for help and eulogies mail to:




The latest version of the program will be available at:


Have fun!

Martin Hinsch & GeNeura team, Granada 1998

JJ Merelo                         | http://kal-el.ugr.es/htbin/jj-plex
Grupo Geneura ---- Univ. Granada  | http://kal-el.ugr.es/

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