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piping make attempts to log

From: James Marshall
Subject: piping make attempts to log
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 17:14:23 GMT

Hi all,
  I'm using Swarm under Windows NT, and a major problem during 
development is the DOS window not allowing you to scroll back and 
view the entire history of a make attempt. If you have several 
warnings/errors they all scroll by until you can't see the original 
errors (which may have caused all the subsequent ones!) Has anyone 
come up with a method of piping the make results to a log file? If 
you just do
make > log.txt
you don't catch any of the error/warning messages. Presumably then 
makefile.appl or makefile.conf would have to be modified somehow to 
append the successive outputs of executions of gcc to some default 
log file, or alternatively pipe it to some text viewer like cat? 
Unfortunately my knowledge of bash doesn't extend that far. Hope 
someone else's does!
James Marshall - Postgraduate Research Student (MPhil/PhD)
Artificial Intelligence Group - Department of Computer and Information Sciences
De Montfort University - Milton Keynes Campus
Web:- http://www.mk.dmu.ac.uk/~jmarshall/

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