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Re: run-time error still got me

From: glen e. p. ropella
Subject: Re: run-time error still got me
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 09:15:28 -0600

At 01:45 PM 6/15/98 GMT, James Marshall wrote:
>Well, I couldn't find this file to remove it! Searched my entire hard 
>disk with Windows NT's "Find" tool.

that might not be surprising.  Have you tried the cygnus 
% find c: -name .swarmArchiver -print

>A rectangular non-square zoom raster? Well, I set the width and the 
>height to 10 currently. I've tried not setting the ZoomFactor, as 
>well as setting it to 1.

Hmmm.  Run it in gdb and set a break point in ZoomRaster's 
handleConfigureWidth:Height: (I think the syntax will be as follows)

  gdb> break _i_ZoomRaster__handleConfigureWidth_Height_

Then check what the argument values are for the method.  I suspect
they're either 0 or some ridiculously large number.

>I couldn't even compile when trying to use a Raster instead! It seems 
>Raster is undeclared, which is odd considering both Raster and 
>ZoomRaster are declared in the same header file (gui.h)? I 
>change the following lines:
>id <ZoomRaster> worldRaster;
>worldRaster=[ZoomRaster create: globalZone];
>id <Raster> worldRaster;
>worldRaster=[Raster create: globalZone];

Yep, that's what I was thinking. 

JM> I couldn't even compile when trying to use a Raster instead!
MGD>As I recall, "@class Raster" was missing in gui.h with Swarm 1.1; add it.

Just to expound a bit on Marcus' comment.  If only the protocol for
Raster is available, the compiler needs some indication of what can
be used as a class object and what can't.  The @class indicates that
Raster can be used as a class object, which means one can send class
methods (preceded by a "+" in their declaration and definition) to 

This is probably why you can't send create: to Raster in your code.


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