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From: Doug Donalson
Subject: Re: HELP!
Date: Fri, 03 Jul 1998 20:39:35 -0700


   Thanks for the push, now emacs is installed.  You may regret asking for
the whole dump though...
The OS is Win95 OSR2 w/256 Meg RAM.

This looks suspiciously like an auto "man" page.



I have no address@hidden/Swarm/swarmapps-1.1/heatbugs] $ ./heatbugs
(Tcl -eval:) couldn't open socket: address family not supported by
protocol family
    while executing
"error $ret"
    (procedure "commInit" line 63)
    invoked from within
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval commInit $args"
    ("init" arm line 1)
    invoked from within
"switch -glob $cmd {
    send { return [eval commSend $args] }
    conn* { return [eval commConnect $args] }
    self { return $comm($self,port) }
    (procedure "comm" line 4)
    invoked from within
"comm init"
while evaluating:
# $Id: comm.tcl,v 1.1 1998/03/09 19:48:54 mgd Exp $

package provide Comm 2.2

# comm works just like Tk's send, except that it uses sockets.
# These commands work just like "send" and "winfo interps":
#  comm send ?-async? id cmd ?arg...?
#  comm interps
# This is all you really need to know to use "comm".
# Semantics:
# The semantics of "comm send" are intended to match Tk's send EXACTLY.
# If you find that "comm send" doesn't work for a particular command,
# try the same thing with Tk's send and see if the result is differnt.
# If so, let me know.
# e.g.,
# I had one report that this: comm send <id> llength {a b c}
# failed with this error:  wrong # args: should be "llength list""
# However, this does the same: send <name> llength {a b c}
# Details:
# comm allocates a port which it listens on for commands.
# "comm self" returns this port.  You need another interpreter's
# port in order to send it command.  "comm interps" merely lists
# all the ports which you've connected to.  Unlike Tk's send,
# comm doesn't implicitly know all the interps on the system -
# you first need the port before you can talk to an interp.
# "comm send" will automatically connect to the given port.  You
# can force a connection to a port with "conn connect".  After that,
# the remote port will appear in "comm interps".
# Basic Interface:
# comm send ?-async? <otherid> <cmd> ?<arg> ...?
# comm interps
# comm self
# comm connect <otherid>
# Multiple listeners:
# You can create more than once instance of a comm interpeter in
# each Tcl interpeter.  This allows you to have full and restricted
# channels.  "comm new" creates a new channel with a given channel
# name.  After that, a new command is created with that channel name.
# This new channel command takes all the same arguments as "comm".
# By default, each channel's listening port is a high-numbered id
# (>10000).  Alternately, you can pass a value of 0 for a low-numbered
# id (>1024) or some specific port.  In the last case, the channel
# won't be initialized unless the specific port can be allocated.
# "comm ids" lists all the channel ids allocated.  "comm init" allows
# you to change the paramters of a channel.
# comm new <ch> ?-port <port> -local 1?
# comm ids
# comm init ?-port <port> -local 1?
# Remote interpreters:
# By default, each channel is restricted to the localhost.
# You can override that by using "-local 0".  For such channels,
# the <otherid> parameter takes the form "<id> <host>".
# WARNING: You should always specify <host> in the same form.
# Shutdown:
# These methods give control over closing connections.
# comm shutdown <otherid>
#  This invokes a close of the connection to otherid, aborting
#  all outstanding commands in progress.  Note that nothing
#  prevents the connection from being reopened by another send.
# comm abort
#  This invokes shutdown on all open connections.
# comm destroy
#  This aborts all connections and then destroys the comm channel
#   itself, including closing the listening socket.  Special
#  code allows you to close the default "comm" channel and then
#  recreate it with new ("comm destroy; comm new comm")
# Dead Peer Detection:
# Right now, the (old-style) commLost proc is called when a remote
# connection is lost.  It is defined as this, where "self" is the
# name of the comm channel:
#  proc commLost {id reason} {upvar self self}
# It is expected that applications will modify commLost as appropriate.
# The correct way is to use the one implemented hook,
#  comm hook lost <cmd>
# For example:
#  comm hook lost {
#      global myvar
#      if {$myvar(id) == $id} {
#          myfunc
#   return
#      }
#  }
#       (NOTE: this is NOT compatible with the callback hook described
# Callbacks:
# This is a mechanism for setting hooks for particular events:
#  comm hook <event> ?<otherid>? <cmd>
# For each event, <cmd> is invoked with particular args appended:
# <event>  args
# connecting ch id
#  Hook invoked before making a remote connection.
#  A return of 1 is required or else connection is not made.
# connected ch id fid
#  Hook invoked before after making a remote connection,
#  allowing arbitrary authentication over fid.
#  A return of 1 is required or else connection is closed.
# incoming ch fid addr remport
#  Hook invoked when receiving an incoming connection,
#  allowing arbitrary authentication over fid.
#  A return of 1 is required or else connection is closed.
# eval  ch id cmd
#  Hook invoked after collecting a complete command.
#  A return of 0 indicates command refused (returning an
#  error'd result).  A return of 1 indicates command accepted.
#  A (to be deterimined) return will indicate the command has
#  been eval'd, handing back the return value.
# lost  ch id reason
#  Hook invoked when connection to $id was lost.
#  Return value ignored.
# Unsupported:
# comm remoteid
#  Returns the id of the last remote command eval'd on the channel
#  (must be called before any events are processed)
# Todo:
# These are easily done with existing hooks:
# - Allow use of a slave interp for actual command execution
#   (especially when operating in "not local" mode).
# - Maybe add cookie to initial handshake
# Bugs/outstanding issues:
# - Complete the "shutdown", "abort", and "destroy" methods.
# - Add an interp discovery and name->port mapping.
# - "<id> <host>" form is dependent upon canonical hostnames
# Windows Warning:
# Tcl7.5 under Windows contains a bug that causes the interpreter to
# hang when EOF is reached on non-blocking sockets.  This can be
# triggered with this command: comm send $other exit
# Always make sure the channel is quiescent before closing/exiting.
# Tcl7.5p1 fixes this problem.


# Sample code to use for replacing "send" and "winfo interps"

if 1 {
# Remove the enclosing "if 0" if you want this to happen by default.
  catch {
    proc send {args} {
 eval comm send $args
    rename winfo winfo_cmd
    proc winfo {cmd args} {
 if ![string match in* $cmd] {return [eval [list winfo_cmd $cmd] $args]}
 return [comm interps]


# Public methods

proc comm {cmd args} {
    global comm
    set self comm
    switch -glob $cmd {
    send { return [eval commSend $args] }
    conn* { return [eval commConnect $args] }
    self { return $comm($self,port) }
    interp* {
 upvar #0 comm($self,peers) peers
 return [concat $comm($self,port) [array names peers]]
    ids { return $comm(ids) }
    new { return [eval commNew $args] }
    init { return [eval commInit $args] }
    shut* { return [eval commShutdown $args] }
    abort { return [eval commAbort $args] }
    destroy { return [eval commDestroy $args] }
    hook {
 if [string match lost [lindex $args 0]] {
     return [commLostHook [lrange $args 1 end]]
 error "Unimplemented hook invoked"
    remoteid {
 if [info exists comm($self,remoteid)] {
     return $comm($self,remoteid)
 error "No remote commands processed yet"
    default {
      error "bad option \"$cmd\": should be ", [join [lsort {send connect
self interps ids new init shutdown abort destroy}]],  ", "


# Private and internal methods
# Do not call or alter these procs or variables

if ![info exists comm] {
    set comm(debug) 0
    set comm(ids) comm

# Class variables:
# lastport  saves last default listening port allocated
# debug   enable debug output
# ids   list of allocated channels
# Instance variables:
# comm()
# $ch,port  listening port (our id)
# $ch,socket  listening socket
# $ch,local  boolean to indicate if port is local
# $ch,serial  next serial number for commands
# $ch,buf,$fid  buffer to collect incoming data
# $ch,result,$serial reply value set here to wake up sender
# $ch,pending,$id  list of outstanding send serial numbers for id
# $ch,peers($id)  open connections to peers; peers(id)=fid
# $ch,fids($fid)  reverse mapping for peers; fids(fid)=id

proc commDebug arg {global comm; if $comm(debug) {uplevel 1 $arg}}

# See the Tk send(n) man page for details
# Usage: send ?-async? id cmd ?arg arg ...?
proc commSend {args} {
    upvar self self
    global comm

    if ![info exists comm($self,port)] {
 return -code error "comm channel $self not initialized"

    set cmd send
    set i 0
    if [string match -async [lindex $args $i]] {
 set cmd async
 incr i
    set id [lindex $args $i]
    incr i
    set args [lrange $args $i end]
    if ![info complete $args] {
 return -code error "Incomplete command"
    if [string match "" $args] {
 return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"send ?-async? id arg ?arg

    set fid [commConnect $id]

    if {[incr comm($self,serial)] == 0x7fffffff} {set comm($self,serial)
    set ser $comm($self,serial)

    commDebug {puts stderr "send <[list [list $cmd $ser $args]]>"}

    # The double list assures that the command is a single list when read.

    puts $fid [list [list $cmd $ser $args]]
    flush $fid

    # wait for reply if so requested
    if [string match send $cmd] {
 upvar comm($self,pending,$id) pending

 lappend pending $ser
 vwait comm($self,result,$ser)
 set pos [lsearch -exact $pending $ser]
 set pending [lreplace $pending $pos $pos]

 commDebug {puts stderr "result <$comm($self,result,$ser)>"}
 after idle unset comm($self,result,$ser)
 eval [lindex $comm($self,result,$ser) 0]


# Initialize by attaching to listening port
proc commNew {ch args} {
    global comm

    if {[lsearch -exact $comm(ids) $ch] >= 0} {
 error "Already existing channel: $ch"
    if [string match comm $ch] {
 # allow comm to be recreated after destroy
    } elseif {![string compare $ch [info proc $ch]]} {
 error "Already existing command: $ch"
    } else {
 regsub "set self \[^\n\]*\n" [info body comm] "set self $ch\n" nbody
 proc $ch {cmd args} $nbody
    lappend comm(ids) $ch
    set self $ch
    eval commInit $args

proc commInit {args} {
    upvar self self
    global comm
    upvar comm($self,port) port
    upvar comm($self,socket) socket
    upvar comm($self,local) local

    if ![info exists comm($self,serial)] {set comm($self,serial) 0}
    set local 1

    set opt 0
    foreach arg $args {
 incr opt
 if [info exists skip] {unset skip; continue}
 switch -exact -- $arg {
 -port {
     if {[regexp {[0-9]+} [lindex $args $opt]]} {
  set uport [lindex $args $opt]
     set skip 1
 -local {
     if {[string match 0 [lindex $args $opt]]} {
  set local 0
     } else {
  set local 1
     set skip 1

    # User is recycling object, possibly to change from insecure to secure

    if [info exists socket] {
 catch {close $socket}

    if ![info exists uport] {
 if ![info exists comm(lastport)] {
     set comm(lastport) [expr
 } else {
     incr comm(lastport)
 set port $comm(lastport)
    } else {
 set port $uport
    while 1 {
 set cmd [list socket -server [list commIncoming $self]]
 if $local {
     lappend cmd -myaddr
 lappend cmd $port
 if ![catch $cmd ret] {
 if {[info exists uport] || ![string match "*already in use" $ret]} {
     # don't erradicate the class
     if ![string match comm $self] {
  proc $self {}
     error $ret
 set port [incr comm(lastport)]
    set socket $ret

    # If port was 0, system allocated it for us
    if !$port {
 set port [lindex [fconfigure $socket -sockname] 2]
    return $port

# Destroy the comm instance.
proc commDestroy {} {
    upvar self self
    global comm
    catch {close $comm($self,socket)}
    unset comm($self,port)
    unset comm($self,local)
    unset comm($self,socket)
    unset comm($self,serial)
    set pos [lsearch -exact $comm(ids) $self]
    set comm(ids) [lreplace $comm(ids) $pos $pos]
    if [string compare comm $self] {
 rename $self {}


# Called to connect to a remote interp
proc commConnect {id} {
    upvar self self
    global comm
    upvar comm($self,peers) peers

    commDebug {puts stderr "commConnect $id"}

    if [info exists peers($id)] {
 return $peers($id)

    if {[llength $id] > 1} {
 set host [lindex $id 1]
    } else {
 set host
    set port [lindex $id 0]
    set fid [socket $host $port]
    commNewConn $id $fid

    # send our id to identify ourselves to remote
    puts $fid $comm($self,port)
    flush $fid
    return $fid

# Called for an incoming new connection
proc commIncoming {self fid addr remport} {
    global comm

    commDebug {puts stderr "commIncoming $self $fid $addr $remport"}

    # remote Id is the first word of first line; rest of line ignored
    set id [lindex [gets $fid] 0]

    if [string compare $addr] {
 set id "$id $addr"

    upvar comm($self,peers) peers
    if {[info exist peers($id)] && $id != $comm($self,port)} {
 # this can happen when talking to ourself (ok) and
 # when two comms are connecting to each other simaltaneously (bad)
 puts stderr "commIncoming race condition: $id"

    commNewConn $id $fid

# Common new connection processing
proc commNewConn {id fid} {
    upvar self self
    global comm
    # upvar comm($self,peers) peers
    # upvar comm($self,fids) fids

    commDebug {puts stderr "commNewConn $id $fid"}

    if ![info exists comm($self,peers,$id)] {
 # race condition
 set comm($self,pending,$id) {}
 # set peers($id) $fid
        set comm($self,peers,$id) $fid
    # set fids($fid) $id
    set comm($self,fids,$fid) $id
    fconfigure $fid -trans binary -blocking 0
    fileevent $fid readable [list commCollect $self $fid]


# Close down a peer connection.
proc commShutdown {id} {
    upvar self self
    global comm

    upvar comm($self,peers) peers
    if [info exists peers($id)] {
 commLostConn $peers($id) "Connection shutdown by request"

# Close down all peer connections
proc commAbort {} {
    upvar self self
    global comm
    upvar comm($self,peers) peers

    foreach id [array names peers] {
 commLostConn $peers($id) "Connection aborted by request"

# Called to tidy up a lost connection, including aborting ongoing sends
# Each send should clean themselves up in pending/result.
proc commLostConn {fid {reason "target application died or connection
lost"}} {
    upvar self self
    global comm

    commDebug {puts stderr "commLostConn $fid $reason"}

    catch {close $fid}

    upvar comm($self,peers) peers
    # upvar comm($self,fids) fids

    # set id $fids($fid)
    set id $comm($self,fids,$fid)

    catch {commLost $id $reason}

    foreach s $comm($self,pending,$id) {
 set comm($self,result,$s) [list [list return -code error $reason]]
    # unset fids($fid)
    unset comm($self,fids,$fid)
    # catch {unset peers($id)}  ;# race condition
    catch { unset $comm($self,peers,$id) }
    catch {unset comm($self,buf,$fid)}

    return $reason

# Override or append to this function to catch when a remote dies.
# This will be replaced by "comm hook".
proc commLost {id reason} {upvar self self}

proc commLostHook cmd {
    if ![string match *$cmd* [info body commLost]] {
 proc_body_append commLost $cmd


# Called from the fileevent to read from fid and append to the buffer.
# This continues until we get a whole command, which we then invoke.
proc commCollect {self fid} {
    global comm
    upvar #0 comm($self,buf,$fid) data

    set nbuf [read $fid]
    if [eof $fid] {
 fileevent $fid readable {}  ;# be safe
 commLostConn $fid
    append data $nbuf

    commDebug {puts stderr "collect <$data>"}

    # If data contains at least one complete command, we will
    # be able to take off the first element, which is a list holding
    # the command.  This is true even if data isn't a well-formed
    # list overall, with unmatched open braces.  This works because
    # each command in the protocol ends with a newline, this allowing
    # lindex and lreplace to work.
    while {![catch {set cmd [lindex $data 0]}]} {
 commDebug {puts stderr "cmd <$data>"}
 if [string match "" $cmd] break
 if [info complete $cmd] {
     set data [lreplace $data 0 0]
     after idle [list commExec $self $fid $cmd]

# Recv and execute a remote command, returning the result and/or error
# buffer should contain:
# send # {cmd}  execute cmd and send reply with serial #
# async # {cmd}  execute cmd but send no reply
# reply # {cmd}  execute cmd as reply to serial #
# Unknown commands are silently discarded
proc commExec {self fid buf} {
    commDebug {puts stderr "exec <$buf>"}

    set cmd [lindex $buf 0]
    set ser [lindex $buf 1]
    set buf [lrange $buf 2 end]
    switch -- $cmd {
 reply {
     global comm
     set comm($self,result,$ser) $buf
 send - async {}
 default return
    commDebug {puts stderr "exec2 <$buf>"}

    # Only valid when immediately retrieved
    global comm
    # upvar comm($self,fids) fids
    set comm($self,remoteid) $comm($self,fids,$fid)

    # exec command
    set err [catch [concat uplevel #0 [lindex $buf 0]] ret]

    commDebug {puts stderr "res <$err,$ret>"}

    # The double list assures that the command is a single list when read.

    if [string match send $cmd] {
 # catch return in case we just lost target.  consider:
 # comm send $other comm send [comm self] exit
 catch {
     # send error or result
     if {$err == 1} {
  global errorInfo
  puts $fid [list [list reply $ser [list return -code $err -errorinfo
$errorInfo $ret]]]
     } else {
  puts $fid [list [list reply $ser [list return $ret]]]
     flush $fid


# Finish creating "comm" using the default port for this interp.
comm init


(Tcl -eval:) wrong # args: should be "proc name args body"
    while executing
"proc $self {}"
    (procedure "commInit" line 61)
    invoked from within
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval commInit $args"
    (procedure "commNew" line 17)
    invoked from within
"commNew heatbugs"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval commNew $args"
    ("new" arm line 1)
    invoked from within
"switch -glob $cmd {
    send { return [eval commSend $args] }
    conn* { return [eval commConnect $args] }
    self { return $comm($self,port) }
    (procedure "comm" line 4)
    invoked from within
"comm new heatbugs"
while evaluating: set heatbugs [comm new heatbugs]

Marcus G. Daniels wrote:

> >>>>> "D3" == Doug Donalson <address@hidden> writes:
> D3> It then proceded to
> D3> print a long segment of messages and code fragments related to tcl
> D3> hooks, sockets and com connections.  This went on for a good 2
> D3> minutes before it ended.  Then Heatbugs ran fine.  What triggered
> D3> this and how can I kill it?
> Capture the output, and then we'll see...  It would help if you would
> mention some specifics about the operating system version, as well.
>                   ==================================
>    Swarm-Support is for discussion of the technical details of the day
>    to day usage of Swarm.  For list administration needs (esp.
>    [un]subscribing), please send a message to <address@hidden>
>    with "help" in the body of the message.
>                   ==================================

* Doug Donalson                                          * Office: (805)
* Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology   * Home:   (805) 961-4447
* UC Santa Barbara                                      * email
* Santa Barbara Ca. 93106                           *
*   The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that
*   heralds new discoveries, is not "EUREKA" (I have found it) but
*   "That's funny ...?"
*       Isaac Asimov

   Swarm-Support is for discussion of the technical details of the day
   to day usage of Swarm.  For list administration needs (esp.
   [un]subscribing), please send a message to <address@hidden>
   with "help" in the body of the message.

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