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Re: objc question

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: objc question
Date: 14 Jul 1998 18:59:44 -0700

>>>>> "VJ" == Vladimir Jojic <address@hidden> writes:

VJ> This would
VJ> mean that if I were to "replace" object A with object B I would
VJ> have all messages sent to object A delivered to object B.

Well, one way is with message forwarding (see below).

VJ> Example where this would be useful is: replacing object with a
VJ> proxy, that would pass somewhere else all messages delivered to
VJ> it.

What OpenStep does is to use instances of a proxy class that implement
a forwarding method (per some instance variables in that class,
e.g. the real destination object).

The code below is the basic idea, but lower level than what OpenStep
does.  Notice the effect of switching between "#if 0" and "#if 1".

#import <objc/Object.h>

static void
msg (id self, const char *string)
  printf ("in `%s' msg: \"%s\"\n", [self name], string);

@interface BaseObject: Object
  id delegateObject;
- setDelegateObject: delegateObject;
- (retval_t)forward: (SEL)sel :(arglist_t)argFrame;
- realMessage: (const char *)message;

@implementation BaseObject
- setDelegateObject: anObject
  delegateObject = anObject;
  return self;

- (retval_t)forward: (SEL)sel :(arglist_t)argFrame
  return [delegateObject performv: sel : argFrame];

- realMessage: (const char *)str
  msg (self, str);
  return self;

#if 0
- fakeMessage: (const char *)str
  msg (self, str);
  return self;


@interface DelegateObject: Object
- fakeMessage: (const char *)string;

@implementation DelegateObject
- fakeMessage: (const char *)str
  msg (self, str);

  return self;

main ()
  id obj = [[[BaseObject alloc] init] setDelegateObject:
                                        [[DelegateObject alloc] init]];
  [obj realMessage: [obj name]];
  [obj fakeMessage: [obj name]];

Local Variables:
compile-command: "gcc -V -Wno-import forward.m -o forward -lobjc"

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