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objc question

From: Vladimir Jojic
Subject: objc question
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 15:02:14 +0200 (MET DST)


I have a question about Objective-C. Does anyone know if there is a
standard way to switch id from one object to another? This would mean that
if I were to "replace" object A with object B I would have all messages
sent to object A delivered to object B. 

Example where this would be useful is: replacing object with a proxy, that
would pass somewhere else all messages delivered to it. 

Anyway, if there is no such facility, could I rely on the fact that the
structure id points to (objc_class), will not change in future, so that I
could implement such id switching? 


Vladimir Jojic
Computer Science Group
Department of Mathematics
University of Belgrade

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