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Re: adding a library

From: Sven N. Thommesen
Subject: Re: adding a library
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 12:48:50 -0500

At 04:46 PM 7/18/1998 -0700, you wrote:
>>>>>> "ST" == Sven N Thommesen <address@hidden> writes:
>ST> I'm trying to figure out what to do to add a library of my own to
>ST> the Swarm package. 
>o Add the module name to the SUBDIRS in src/Makefile.am
>o Add a -lMODULE to  Makefile.appl.in
>o Extract the module Makefile in the AC_OUTPUT at the end of configure.in

And what of the file 'config' which has two references to the swarm libs?

>ST> Would I need to put a 'Makefile.am' in src/localstuff, modelled on
>ST> one from another library?
>ST> Might it make sense for the Swarm release to contain two empty
>ST> libraries (user-pre-lib and user-post-lib), searched before and
>ST> after the Swarm libraries respectively, so that users could just
>ST> add their own objects there?
>I'd rather not.  If code is to be integrated with Swarm, it ought to be.
>If not, people can still use APPLIBS.

Well, perhaps someone has changes to Swarm objects that aren't relevant to
others; it seems cleaner to put the changed objects into a separate library
than to change the original ones in place. But, seeing as APPLIBS are
searched ahead of SWARMLIBS, using APPLIBS works for me.


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