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Developer's subdirectory on ftp site (was Re: automake/conf)

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Developer's subdirectory on ftp site (was Re: automake/conf)
Date: 20 Jul 1998 18:40:55 -0600

>>>>> "RR" == Rick Riolo <address@hidden> writes:

RR> hi alex, since these are going to be required, could you please
RR> add then to the ftp://ftp.santafe.edu/pub/swarm/needed-software/
RR> directory?  

OK, so I've made a new directory on the ftp site:


This subdirectory may be used from time to time to contain packages,
that are useful for folks interested in the development of Swarm
itself, but not strictly necessary for the installation of Swarm, nor
for people soley concerned with Swarm application developement. At the
moment it contains two tar files:

* autoconf-2.12.tar.gz      --- unmodified latest version straight from the 
   GNU ftp site (ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu) active users of autoconf should 
   also keeep a watch on the GNU ftp site for updates to this package.

* automake-1.3-sfi-0.tar.gz --- modified version of automake which is used to
   build Swarm  (if you want to modify Makefile.am's for Swarm you *will* need 
   this particular version of automake, in future versions of automake, the
   SFI specific-features may be incorporated into automake itself).

These are not *required* packages, so they're not going in the
`needed-software' directory.  I should emphasise that auto{make,conf}
is only required for those people who wish to modify the automake
processs in Swarm itself, or want to explore the use of automake in
their own projects.

Again, automake/conf is *not* necessary to compile and install Swarm
(so they're not "going to be required" as such), nor are they a
prerequisite to building applications, as folks can still use the old
Makefile.{lib,appl} technique to their heart's content.


  Alex Lancaster         |   e-mail: address@hidden
  Swarm Developer        |      web: http://www.santafe.edu/~alex
  Santa Fe Institute     |      tel: +1-(505) 984-8800 (ext 242)

   Swarm-Support is for discussion of the technical details of the day
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