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Re: setRepeatInterval [os:all swarm:all lib:activity]

From: Steve Emsley
Subject: Re: setRepeatInterval [os:all swarm:all lib:activity]
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 23:33:40 +0100

Yes I appreciate that I can hardwire an output scheduler that knows
what the simulated dayNumber is within the model and base output
events on that. In  fact, that's what I have been doing. I suppose my
question is based on my adviser'd love of bells and whistles. My
graphicsSwarm is controlled by action:schedule pairs:

  [hourActions createActionTo: self           message: M(_updateHour_)];
  [hourSchedule setRepeatInterval: hourFrequency];

  [dayActions createActionTo: self           message: M(_updateDay_)];
  [daySchedule setRepeatInterval: dayFrequency];

and so on.

To hardwire updating say an active graph from deep within a model
rather than at the GraphicSwarm level seems to go against swarm
scheduling ideology.

Can I access the internal counters that hourSchedule and daySchedule
use. i.e. what is the equivalent syntax for getCurrentTime() but
applied to those objects (I've tried [daySchedule getCurrentTime] and
know that it doesn't work quite so simply).

If I can do that is there an equivalent setCurrentTime or would the
solution involve dropping the current, say, hourSchedule and
recreating it with an amended repeatInterval and start time.

 Steve Emsley                 Ecosystems Analysis & Management Group
 address@hidden              University of Warwick, England
 http://www.oikos.warwick.ac.uk/~sme/           (+44) (0)1598 753648

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