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doc inconsistency? [swarm 1.2, Array]

From: Thorsten Schelhorn
Subject: doc inconsistency? [swarm 1.2, Array]
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 13:04:39 +0100

The Array documentation states that for setCount:
"Any non-negative value including zero is valid"

However, when my program happens to call setCount: with argument 0, it
failes with the following error message:

*** event raised for error: InvalidAllocSize
*** function: _i_Zone_c__allocBlock_(), file: Zone.m, line: 326
> Requested allocation size must be at least one byte.
> (Requested allocation size was zero.)
*** execution terminating due to error
Abort (core dumped)

How to work around?

Thorsten Schelhorn

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