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Re: Problems with Value2dDisplay

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: Problems with Value2dDisplay
Date: 31 Jul 1998 17:57:10 -0600

>>>>> "JM" == James Marshall <address@hidden> writes:

JM> Hi, here's all the relevant code from my buildObjects method in my
JM> observer swarm, as requested by Alex. I hope someone can help me
JM> on this because I really want to use the results from my Swarm sim
JM> in a paper I'm currently writing!  James

JM> -buildObjects { populationColourMap=[Colormap create: globalZone];
JM> [populationColourMap setColor: 0 ToName: "blue"]; for (l1=1;
JM> l1<=10; l1++) { [populationColourMap setColor: l1 ToGrey:
JM> (double)l1/10]; }

JM>   populationRaster=[ZoomRaster create: globalZone];
JM> [populationRaster setColormap: populationColourMap];
JM> [populationRaster setZoomFactor: (500/[epdSwarm getWorldXSize])];
JM> [populationRaster setWidth: [epdSwarm getWorldXSize] Height:
JM> [epdSwarm getWorldYSize]]; [populationRaster setWindowTitle: "EPD
JM> Population"]; [populationRaster drawSelf]; [populationRaster
JM> pack];

JM>   populationDisplay=[Value2dDisplay createBegin: [self getZone]];
JM> [populationDisplay setDisplayWidget: populationRaster colormap:
JM> populationColourMap]; [populationDisplay setDiscrete2dToDisplay:
JM> [epdSwarm getWorldDisplay]]; populationDisplay=[populationDisplay
JM> createEnd]; [populationDisplay setDisplayMappingM: 1 C: 0];

JM>   return self; }

>> >>>>> "JM" == James Marshall <address@hidden> writes:
JM> [populationDisplay putValue:
JM> (long)(((double)localPopulation/maxAgents)*10+1) atX: x Y: y];
JM> printf("%i\n",(int)[populationDisplay getValueAtX: x Y: y]);

Are you sure this code is right?  You should be attempting to set the
value at each point through the underlying Discrete2d data structure -
in your example it's whatever's returned by the [epdSwarm
getWorldDisplay] method call - rather than the Value2Display instance
variable (iVar).

In other words, Discrete2d grids `know' how to display themselves.
You don't need to explicitly set them.

Are you using the same variable name for the Discrete2d iVar (or
subclass thereof) in your ModelSwarm *and* the Value2dDisplay iVar in
your ObserverSwarm, perhaps?

 --- Alex
  Alex Lancaster         |   e-mail: address@hidden
  Swarm Developer        |      web: http://www.santafe.edu/~alex
  Santa Fe Institute     |      tel: +1-(505) 984-8800 (ext 242)

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