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Re: Making Movies: problems

From: Sven N. Thommesen
Subject: Re: Making Movies: problems
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 17:01:41 -0500

At 03:38 PM 9/11/1998 -0500, you wrote:
>Marcus G. Daniels wrote:
>> >>>>> "PJ" == Paul Johnson <address@hidden> writes:
>> PJ> I was under the impression, until I read your note, that it was
>> PJ> possible to write a png file in batch mode.  Not so?
>> Strictly speaking it is, the question is of what?  You can't
>> write a PNG file of the logical structure of a space object, for example.
>I guess the line between batch and the other mode get blurry.  In the
>heatbugs batch mode example, it creates an EZgraph, which ordinarily you
>think of in a gui mode, but it just ends up spitting out a string of
>But what I want to do is this: in batch mode, with drone say (still
>fighting with that...) or some other scripting method, and then have a
>snapshot of a zoomraster every 100 time periods. If in the batch mode I
>write in a zoom raster, but I do not write a CREATEARCHIVEDPROBEDISPLAY
>line or such, then that zoomraster will exist in memory, right, but not
>be displayed to the
>screen?  Could the zoomRaster widget be written then?
>Of course I have no idea, just asking.
>Paul Johnson

I believe this is NOT doable with the Pixmap code in Swarm-1.3. It IS
doable if you use Benedikt's BatchRaster code, with the limitation that you
can only display zoomrasters with colors; it won't work if you use pixmaps
for your bugs/agents.


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