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Re: built in rv objects -- "bug" in documenation

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: built in rv objects -- "bug" in documenation
Date: 26 Jan 1999 19:57:26 -0700

>>>>> "RR" == Rick Riolo <address@hidden> writes:

RR> Thanks to all for the answers...I must apologize for my ill-formed
RR> question.  I actually know about all this stuff and where it is.
RR> What I was asking was where, if anywhere, in the documentation is
RR> there one page, say, that tells the beginning user about these
RR> built in objects, and about --varyseed's effect on them?


You are right that we do have no such page in the reference
documentation as it stands.  I can only say that it was never the
purpose of the reference guide.  It's purpose is to document (however
tersely, that may be sometimes), exactly the interfaces as they stand.

RR> I bring this up because the ref manual, with its nice indicies and
RR> cross-references as made it *so much easier* to get beginners
RR> oriented and on their own.

I think your suggestion, which is a good one, definitely belongs in
the User Guide that Paul Johnson and myself are writing in the
background (when we get a spare nanosecond to do so ;-))

I'd be more than happy to include such a high-level outline for
beginners, in the User Guide if you could send me some text.  Or if
you take some to FAQ material and whip it into shape, that's also
fine.  I'm certainly happy to finesse the finer technical details, if
you're not completely certain on the exact syntax.


 --- Alex

  Alex Lancaster           |  e-mail: address@hidden
  Swarm Program            |     web: http://www.santafe.edu/~alex
  Santa Fe Institute       |     tel: +1-(505) 984-8800 (ext 242)

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