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Re: Swarm 1.3.1 on Windows95/98

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Swarm 1.3.1 on Windows95/98
Date: 31 Jan 1999 17:12:41 -0800

>>>>> "B" == Benedikt Stefansson <address@hidden> writes:

B> Now to the 'bad news'. It seems that students which run the last
B> version of Windows95 or the current version of Windows98 have
B> problems installing Cygwin19.  After installation (and a reboot)
B> launching bash from
B> Start-> Programs->Swarm->bash produces a shell window which barfs out
B> Start-> error
B> messages about not being able to find grep, tr and some other
B> stuff. The shell doesn't crash but also gives errors for any
B> command, such as 'dir' and is thus unusable.

That means that CYGFS isn't set.  The Swarm install procedure
sets that in the environment registry in the case of NT, and in
autoexec.bat in the case of Windows 95/98.  Perhaps if you are trying
to rig up a network install, this was the oversight.

B> Finally, one request for the upcoming 1.4.1 CD-ROM: Please add 'Install
B> Emacs'

Sorry, it is enough work to maintain our own InstallShield package
for Swarm.  I definitely don't have time to do it for a third party package.

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