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Is this a Bug in InFile getDouble (& other InFile get* methods)?

From: Rick Riolo
Subject: Is this a Bug in InFile getDouble (& other InFile get* methods)?
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 08:41:40 -0500 (EST)

Here is a little program I wrote to test 
getDouble and friends (I've tried it with a getInt, too):

#import <simtools.h>

int main(int argc, const char ** argv) {
        char *fName = "t.dat";
        int i, r;
        double d;
        id aFile;

        initSwarmApp(argc, argv,"1.3", "address@hidden");

        if ( !(aFile = [InFile create: globalZone withName: fName]) ) {
                printf( "\nNo file named '%s' to read from!\n", fName );
                return( -1 );
        printf("\nReading from file '%s':\n", fName );
        for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
                d = -1;
                r = [aFile getDouble: &d];
                printf( "r is %d, d is %f.\n", r, d );
        printf("Done reading from file '%s'.\n", fName );
        [aFile drop];

        return( 0 );

Here is t.dat:

address@hidden InputOutput]$ cat t.dat
32  xx  33

Here is the output from running the program:
address@hidden InputOutput]$ ./io

Reading from file 't.dat':
r is 1, d is 32.000000.
r is 1, d is -1.000000.
r is 1, d is -1.000000.
Done reading from file 't.dat'.

Am I missing something obvious here?
Why doesn't getDouble return 0 when it hits the xx ?
The doc says "In case of failure, the method returns 0."
What is considered a failure?  Just EOF?

In any case, I think the ref page for InFile should be
fixed up a bit, to explain what is failure, to note that
these will skip whitespace to get to the next token, etc.

- r

ps this is Swarm-1.4.

Rick Riolo                           address@hidden
Program for Study of Complex Systems (PSCS)
4477 Randall Lab                
University of Michigan         Ann Arbor MI 48109-1120
Phone: 734 763 3323                  Fax: 734 763 9267

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