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Re: Infile ; R

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Infile ; R
Date: 07 Feb 1999 13:14:40 -0800

>>>>> "RLR" == Rick Riolo <address@hidden> writes:

RLR> I would suggest at the least the next release of the refmanual
RLR> say something at the top of the page for things like Infile to
RLR> warn users away from using them. 

I've done this.  Thanks.

RLR> Are the changes in this version going to make it back into the
RLR> main distribution of R, or are we going to have to (potentially)
RLR> support two versions of R for the indefinite future?

Some of the changes are merged in, but the maintainers haven't had
time to merge all of the changes, and in fact I haven't yet sent them
all the changes.  You can consider the SFI additions (hdf5load and
hdf5save) supported, though.

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