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Re: Benchmarks: Graphics vs. batch, Linux vs. Windows

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Benchmarks: Graphics vs. batch, Linux vs. Windows
Date: 10 May 1999 14:55:27 -0700

>>>>> "D3" == donalson  <address@hidden> writes:

D3> The general argument is that the generelist (SWARM) by default
D3> will be slower that the specialist (a model with specialized
D3> lists, schedule, etc.)  With sim's that can run a month or more,
D3> if overhead can be cut by 25% (for example) this is actually
D3> non-trivial. 

Of course, eventually what we want with Swarm is physical support for
concurrency (Swarm already has the logical model).  When multiple
actions scheduled on a time step automatically distribute to different
CPUs, spending time handcrafting data structures for a 25% speedup is
a poor use of time, since one can just add CPUs to get more and more

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