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Re: Exasperating memory corruption

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Exasperating memory corruption
Date: 19 May 1999 08:16:30 -0700

>>>>> "WS" == William S Shu <address@hidden> writes:

WS> 3) It is a procedure using GDB with objective C (at least as
WS> installed in my Win95 environment).  It would be nice to detect
WS> when memory is being corrupted, rather than when a corrupted
WS> memory is being used.

GDB has a `watch' feature that stops execution when the value of
an expression changes.

Another, better, way to catch memory corruption problems is using a
tool called Checker.  Checker is an extension to GCC that instruments
code to maintain and monitor a runtime database of all memory
allocations.  Checker is somewhat hard to set up because it is
necessary build everything (e.g. the model, Swarm, and dependent
libraries) using it.  Other less powerful options are `dmalloc' and
`electric fence'.  But this is all probably outside the realm of what
can be feasibly configured in your Windows 95 environment.

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