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Re: scheduling and re-scheduling problems

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: scheduling and re-scheduling problems
Date: 31 Aug 1999 20:56:35 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "WS" == William S Shu <address@hidden> writes:

WS> I implemented the above -- excluding startSchedule, for the time
WS> being -- and when I call it with: [self scheduleFrom: 10 To: 20
WS> Behaviour: M(breed)];

FWIW, here's how I'd do it:

#import <simtools.h>
#import <objectbase/Swarm.h>

@interface PeriodSwarm: Swarm
  id <Schedule> controlSchedule;
  id <Schedule> periodSchedule;
  id <Schedule> anotherSchedule;
  id <Activity> periodActivity;
- setStartTime: (timeval_t)start;
- setStopTime: (timeval_t)stop;
- start;
- stop;
- activateIn: swarmContext;
- click;
- run;

@implementation PeriodSwarm
+ createBegin: aZone
  PeriodSwarm *obj = [super createBegin: aZone];

  obj->controlSchedule = [Schedule create: aZone];
  return obj;

- setStartTime: (timeval_t)start
  [controlSchedule at: start
                   createActionTo: self
                   message: M(start)];
  return self;

- setStopTime: (timeval_t)stop
  [controlSchedule at: stop
                   createActionTo: self
                   message: M(stop)];
  return self;

- start
  printf ("Starting: %lu\n", getCurrentTime ());
  periodSchedule = [[[[Schedule createBegin: [self getZone]]
                       setRepeatInterval: 1]
                      setRelativeTime: YES]
  [periodSchedule createActionTo: self message: M(click)];
  periodActivity = [periodSchedule activateIn: self];
  return self;

- stop
  printf ("Stopping: %lu\n", getCurrentTime ());
  [periodActivity terminate];
  return self;

- activateIn: swarmContext
  [super activateIn: swarmContext];
  [controlSchedule activateIn: self];
  return [self getActivity];

- click
  printf ("click %lu\n", getCurrentTime ());
  return self;

- run
  [self activateIn: nil];
  [[self getActivity] run];
  return self;


main (int argc, const char **argv)
  initSwarm (argc, argv);
  [[[[[PeriodSwarm createBegin: globalZone]
       setStartTime: 10]
      setStopTime: 20]
  return 0;

Local Variables:
compile-command: "${SWARMHOME}/bin/libtool-swarm --mode=link gcc -DDLL -o 
periodswarm -g -Wno-import -I${SWARMHOME}/include -L${SWARMHOME}/lib 
periodswarm.m -lswarmdll -lobjcdll"

WS>    I want reschedule all the future actions of a given
WS> schedule/activity or whatever (and its subActivities or whatever) by
WS> scaling (up or down) its repeat cycle and the start times of all its
WS> actions (be they individual or in action groups). 

One way is to have a template copy of the time pattern,
(say, in a C array) that is transformed by a multiplier before it is
put into a schedule.  If you use a repeat interval, don't expect
to have a backdoor scaling to that; scale everything ahead of time.  
If that isn't possible, it's got to be dynamic scheduling all the way.

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