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FAQ: Installing Swarm on SuSE Linux 6.2

From: Nigel Gilbert
Subject: FAQ: Installing Swarm on SuSE Linux 6.2
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 18:50:43 +0100

Installing Swarm on SuSE Linux 6.2

Although SuSE Linux is similar to Redhat, it is sufficiently
different to make installation of the Redhat RPM packages difficult.
Here is the procedure for installing Swarm on SuSE Linux 6.2:

0. Login as root

1. Using rpm, check whether the packages tk4.2 and tcl7.6 are loaded.
   (You will need at least tcl/tk 8.0 to run swarm. SuSE will install both
   tcl7.6 _and_ tcl8.0 unless you explicitly tell SuSE during installation not
   to do so.)

   Using rpm, do:

    rpm -q -a | grep tcl

   If tk4.2 and tcl7.6 are loaded, you will need to remove them (having both
   confuses the installation process). If you insist on keeping both
   make sure libtk, tk.h, libtcl and tcl.h point to the newer version!

   With rpm, use a command line such as:

   rpm -e --nodeps tcl-7.6p2
   rpm -e --nodeps tk-4.2p2
   Make sure that tcl 8.0.5 and tk 8.0.5 _are_loaded.

2. Make sure that the packages to be built can find tcl8.0.  Add the
   following symbolic links:

    ln -s /usr/include/tcl8.0.h /usr/include/tcl.h
    ln -s /usr/lib/tclConfig8.0.sh /usr/lib/tclConfig.sh
    ln -s /usr/lib/libtcl8.0.so /usr/lib/libtcl.so
    ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/libtk8.0.so /usr/X11R6/lib/libtk.so
    ln -s /usr/X11R6/include/tk8.0.h /usr/X11R6/include/tk.h
    ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/tkConfig.sh /usr/X11R6/lib/tkConfig8.0.sh

3. Download the following packages from the Swarm ftp site:

   gcc-2.95.1.tar.gz    %% (or you can use egcs-2.91.66 from SuSE)
   gdb-objc-4.16.i586.linux.ELF.tar.gz  %% not required, but you may want
                                        %% to debug your programs
   blt2.4j      %% not necessary -- the blt2.4g from SuSE will do
   diffs/objc-diffs  (from the diffs directory) OR
     load the objC package from the SUSE packages
   hdf5-1.2.0-beta1-update2.tar.gz and java if you want (I didn't)

   All the rest of the required software is already in SuSE Linux if you
   loaded the default configuration.

4. Gunzip and untar all these.

5. If you chose to get a new gcc
 a) apply the patch to gcc:

    cd to gcc-2.95.1/gcc/objc and then run

    patch -b < objc-diffs

 b) Configure gcc, using the option --prefix=/usr

    Then do  make.  If you don't have much disk space, use the option

     make bootstrap-lean

    and then do make install.

6. Configure, make and make install BLT and libffi, using the --prefix=/usr
   option for configure for both

7. Move gdb to /usr/bin

8. Now you can begin to install Swarm.  Download swarm-2.01 and swarmapps-2.0.1
   and uncompress and untar them.

9. Configure swarm using the following (for a swarm without java and hdf5):

   ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-defaultdir=/usr
--with-bltdir=/usr/X11R6 --without-hdf5dir --without-java

   make and install

10.To run a first demo set SWARMHOME to its new home.
   Change into swarmapps-2.0.1/heatbugs

   and run make

   then run heatbugs and it should work.

If you have different experiences or can suggest short cuts and tips,
please tell address@hidden

Nigel Gilbert (address@hidden) with very considerable thanks to Daniel Drewes, who did it all first!
Prof Nigel Gilbert, PhD, FREng, Dept. of Sociology, University of Surrey,
 Guildford GU2 5XH, UK.  Tel: +44 (0)1483 259173 Fax: +44 (0)1483 259551

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