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Re: Caldera OpenLinux 2.2

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: Caldera OpenLinux 2.2
Date: 16 Feb 2000 17:41:10 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070095 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.95) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "PT" == Pietro Terna <address@hidden> writes:

PT>     Hi all, I'm planning to build my new Linux box using Caldera
PT> OpenLinux 2.2.

PT>     Two questions:

PT> 1. Has someone experience of difficulties in using Swarm with
PT> Caldera OpenLinux 2.2?

PT> 2. Has someone experience in installing the Swarm RPM distribution
PT> with Caldera OpenLinx 2.2?

I hate to hammer this point into the ground, but RPMs are
*distribution-specific*.  In other words, RPMs compiled under on a Red
Hat machine (i386, sparc, alpha or whatever), are designed to work
within a particular epoch of a Red Hat distribution (say 6.0 -> 6.2 or
even longer), but there is *no* guarantee that they will work another
distribution (be it SuSE, Mandrake or Caldera).

This is not a limitation imposed by Swarm, it's the way RPMs work.

In general, sometimes an RPM on Red Hat will work `out-of-the-box' on
a SuSE machine, but your mileage will vary (considerably!) and it's
also generally unwise to rely on it, even if it does work.

The Linux Standard Base (LSB: http://www.linuxbase.org) is seeking to
unify many of the packaging systems and dependencies, to remove some
of the idiosyncrasies between distributions, but there's a ways to go

Alex Lancaster * address@hidden * www.santafe.edu/~alex * 505 984-8800 x242
Santa Fe Institute (www.santafe.edu) & Swarm Development Group (www.swarm.org)

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