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Re: ObjC-java error

From: Stephen C. Upton
Subject: Re: ObjC-java error
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 12:56:57 -0700

Thanks Marcus. javaswarm works. But does this mean I'm tied to the Kaffe VM (there shouldn't be any differences between these VM's, at least on the pure java side?), or does it mean there's something specifically happening in Heatbugs, given it's heritage? I'm planning on moving to java3D for some viz work and would like to know if there are going to be any potential hangups.


At 10:50 AM 3/28/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>>>>> "SU" == Stephen C Upton <address@hidden> writes:

SU> Tried option 2, but get the same error:
SU> address@hidden//e/Swarm-working/jheatbugs-2.1] $ jdkswarm
SU> StartHeatbugs -b *** event raised for error: InvalidArgument ***
SU> function: lispIn(), file: /src/Swarm/swarm/src/defobj/defobj.m,
SU> line: 306

Could you try "javaswarm" instead?  Actually, JDK will be harder to
use in batch mode because Cygwin's streams won't be initialized.

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Stephen C. Upton  TSA-5, MS F602  Z119895                       
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