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Re: ObjC-java error

From: Stephen C. Upton
Subject: Re: ObjC-java error
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 14:09:49 -0700

Thanks again. I compiled under javac in a MSDOS window, which sounds like it's incorrect given your "make" comment below. Given that comment, I presume I need to compile under a Swarm window to get the bindings correct with cgywin, etc.. Actually, I just recompiled using make under a Swarm terminal window, and get

address@hidden//e/Swarm-working/jheatbugs-2.1] $ jdkswarm StartHeatbugs -b
*** event raised for error: InvalidArgument
*** function: lispIn(), file: /src/Swarm/swarm/src/defobj/defobj.m, line: 306
> type `HeatbugBatchSwarm' not found*** execution terminating due to error
/src/Swarm/swarm/src/defobj/Symbol.m:173 -[Error(c) _raiseEvent:]
0 0 [sig] g:\jdk1.2.2\bin\java.exe 1016 stackdump: Dumping stack trace
 to java.exe.stackdump

One of the reasons I was trying to use the jdk was to move to jdk1.3, since it has the hotspot compiler embedded, and I was interested in some performance comparisons. I don't believe the Kaffe guys have gone that far yet, but I realize you also want to keep everything open source.

Thanks for all your help. I'm going to stop messing with Heatbugs and work on my own problem . Maybe the problem (I'm sure it's something simple, anyway) will come up in another context and I can address it then.


At 12:23 PM 3/28/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>>>>> "SU" == Stephen C Upton <address@hidden> writes:

SU> javaswarm works.  But does this mean I'm tied to
SU> the Kaffe VM (there shouldn't be any differences between these
SU> VM's, at least on the pure java side?), or does it mean there's
SU> something specifically happening in Heatbugs, given it's heritage?

I don't see why you get the error you do with Sun JDK 1.2.2 (I don't).
Did you compile in the terminal with "make"?

I'll go so far as advocate using Kaffe instead of Sun's runtime for
batch runs.  Besides not having the stdio problems I mentioned, and
having comparable performance, it is also easier to investigate
crashes when something goes wrong, as the source code to Kaffe is
freely redistributable.

SU> I'm planning on moving to java3D for some viz work and would like
SU> to know if there are going to be any potential hangups.

I can't think of any offhand.  The main thing to be careful about
is how Java threads ask Swarm (i.e. the Objective C library) to do things.
When a Java GUI widget wants to sent a message, you should store it in
a Java data structure, and then schedule events in Swarm to consume them
(i.e. let Swarm do things on its own terms).

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Stephen C. Upton  TSA-5, MS F602  Z119895                       
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