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Re: .libs/xxx file created when running swarm2.1.1 apps?

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: .libs/xxx file created when running swarm2.1.1 apps?
Date: 23 Jul 2000 09:28:46 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "RLR" == Rick Riolo <address@hidden> writes:
RLR> I see that a directory with a couple of files seems to be created
RLR> whenever i run swarm apps under swarm2.1.1

RLR> I don't know what it is, but i would guess its some sort of file
RLR> to help the loading go faster?

It's a script that configures binaries to run from the build
directory.  Shared library dependency paths get set.

RLR> So....I see that i have to be sure to run it as owner
RLR> before telling other people to run it

If you do a "make install" you'll get binary with those paths frozen,
and no wrapper script.  This is a way to share binaries with others.

As for data files, they get installed in $(datadir)/swarm/APPNAME, and
you get use -getAppDataPath to get that absolute path in the case of
an installed binary.  When the model runs from the build directory,
-getAppDataPath will return "." or another default as specified by

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