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RE: Combining an autorepeat schedule and a autodrop schedule

From: P . deVries
Subject: RE: Combining an autorepeat schedule and a autodrop schedule
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 11:46:31 +0200

Thanks for the replies on my email. Judging from the answers my question was
not very clear. So I will try to rephrase it. Also I played a little bit
around and found a solution for my problem, however I do not understand why
my first program did not work and are therefore still eager to have my
question answered :

In a swarm I have created two schedules:
- one repeating schedule
- one non-repeating, autodrop schedule

If I activate each schedule separately there is no problem. However, if I
activate both schedules at the same time, I get the following error (after
more timesteps than the repeatschedules length):

*** event raised for error: InvalidOperation
*** function: _update_mergeSchedules(), file:
dule.m, line: 268
> MergeSchedule is invalid. There is no*** execution terminating due to
/src/Swarm/swarm/src/defobj/Symbol.m:173 -[Error(c) _raiseEvent:]
      0 [sig] LEMRA 1831 stackdump: Dumping stack trace to

Since this is a bit cryptic, I looked it up in the source code and it turned
out that the error message is not completely printed on the screen (a bug? I
am running under mswindows). The error message should look like:

                raiseEvent (InvalidOperation, 
                            "> MergeSchedule is invalid. There is no",
                            "> mergeAction for schedule where action",
                            "> should be inserted!");

Which did not exactly made things clearer to me :-) (i.e. what is a

In my program, actions in the autodrop schedule are created once for every
round of the repeat schedule. Therefore I put an action in the repeat
schedule which existed of a call to the method responsible of scheduling the
autodrop actions, i.e.:

[repeatSchedule at: 10 createActionTo: object message:

Running this program produced the above error. I was able to prevent the
error by moving this action from the repeat schedule to the autodrop
schedule (and letting this method reschedule itself to obtain the repeating
effect), i.e:

[autodropSchedule at: (10 + numberOfRepeatCycles*sizeRepeatCycle)
createActionTo: object message: M(scheduleEventsInTheAutodropSchedule)];

As far as I understand the swarm activity framework, it should not matter
whether I call the scheduleEventsForAutodropSchedule method from the
repeatSchedule or the autodropSchedule. Do I misunderstand the scheduling
framework, or is something else going wrong here?

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