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Clarification on the effect of "DROP" on subobjects.

From: Tim Rogers
Subject: Clarification on the effect of "DROP" on subobjects.
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 11:44:28 +0000

I've tried searching through the swarm archives, and have looked up the
details of the call drop under defobj in the reference manual, and I'm
still a bit confused about what happens to objects which are instance
variables of another object, which is dropped.

Suppose we have an object called Wine, inherited from the standard
SwarmObject, with instance variables as follows:

int cost
id wineDetails;
id *wineShop;

Suppose I want to get rid of a Wine object:

[aWine drop];

Will the object wineDetails also get dropped, if created in same zone or
subzone as aWine?
Will the object wineDetails also get dropped, if created in a different
zone to aWine?
Will the object pointed to by wineShop also get dropped?


Tim Rogers
PhD Student
School of Mechanical Engineering
University of Edinburgh,

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