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Re: Linux to MacOSX port effort.

From: Marc-Antoine Parent
Subject: Re: Linux to MacOSX port effort.
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 11:45:59 -0400

This is normal. Is it not? Swarm uses a patched libobjc and I can't see
that that is going to change.


You flatter me.  All I did was ask a lot of questions.

Still, fitting the answers into code takes time (I went through that for Mozart.)

Most of the other libraries (hd5 etc.) can be found in the fink
packaging system ( http://fink.sourceforge.net/ ). Since a lot of people
have it, I suggest we all go that route.

I am not keen on Fink except as a temporary expedient.  It is very
non-standard and it managed to stuff my system big time on one occasion.
I would think that it was in the interest of all those who would like to
use MacOS X for serious scientific computing, that we get those libraries
to build in proper OS X style as Frameworks.  I don't think this is too

Arhem... Though I understand the feeling behind this, and approve in theory (Frameworks beat packages any day) the fact is that making all unix libraries into proper Darwinian frameworks is really difficult unless you are a configure guru. (Which maybe you are, but my point is not all of us, even with with unix experience, relish wading into configure.) Also, it also means convincing all maintainers of these libraries to integrate your changes; and also, what is more, convincing all maintainers of anything that uses those libraries to change their configuration! Do you realize the political weight of this proposition? Fink may be a "lesser" solution, but it's one that is feasible in a much shorter time frame. The fact of the matter is, even if all my libraries were turned into frameworks, I'd still keep fink around to ease the porting of the next unix utility I happen to need. I like being able to port small unix libraries in hours instead of days. Maybe just me...

Now I think we should try to have some sort of consensus on this issue before we all plunge in. I've stated my point; I'm willing to hear more from you, and others who'd like to pinch in.

A few simple build notes: (I'm not done either, but just to avoid people
losing time over the same hurdles)...........

Many thanks for that. We will need somewhere to consolidate all this good
stuff to increase our leverage.

I'll have more time to help from next week on. Seriously. I'm even willing to spend time coordinating as well, if you want and if Alessandro is too busy.


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