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Re: [Swftools-common] textsnapshot behavior on converted swfs

From: Matthias Kramm
Subject: Re: [Swftools-common] textsnapshot behavior on converted swfs
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2005 12:02:15 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6i

On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 09:20:23PM -0500, Chris Flowers wrote:
> I then read deeper into the specs and found for the highlight to work
> it needs each font's metrics. This was resloved in the IDE by placing a
> dynamic text box on stage and embedding 1 character.

Yes, I agree. It seems to need all pieces of font information there is
(even the layout information, i.e. ascender, descender, leading).

The latest snapshot should now generate this correctly if called
with the "-f" option. This was broken before.
I.e. to create a swf where the text snapshot should work, do:

    pdf2swf -f file.pdf -o file.swf

> I've attached a sample that shows the TextSnapShot hilighting.
> Portions are selected in yellow. If you do not see the yellow highlights
> try a newer player version.

Many thanks for this! This was immensely helpful.

For the record, here's an swfc version of that file:

    .flash version=6 bbox=1024x768 background=white

        .font arial filename=../doc/Arial.ttf

        .text line1 font=arial text="bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla" 
color=black size=50%
        .text line2 font=arial text="abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz" color=black 
        .text line3 font=arial text="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy 
dog" color=black size=50%

        .frame 1

            # to test pdf2swf files, replace the following sprite with
            # .swf MyMC filename="testfile.swf"

            .sprite MyMC
                .put line1 x=0 y=50
                .put line2 x=0 y=100
                .put line3 x=0 y=150

            .put MyMC

        .frame 2

        .frame 3

        .frame 4
            str = MyMC.getTextSnapShot();

        .frame 5

Anybody interested in extending this script so that text is selectable by the
mouse, btw.?



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