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[Texmacs-dev] Re: improved Reduce interface, needs GO

From: Andrey G. Grozin
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] Re: improved Reduce interface, needs GO
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 17:32:50 +0600 (NOVT)


I'm still struggling with the new interface. My observations:

1. Reduce-3.8 (for Linux) contains tmprint.b, but does not contain the 
source from which it was produced. If I load this binary when called from 
TeXmacs, the interface works, and is quite good. After "Loading image 
file..." I see
*** fluid `lispsystem*' cannot become global
but this does not seem to break things.
My current .reducerc is

if getenv "TEXMACS_REDUCE_PATH" then load_package tmprint
else if getenv "redfront" then in "$reduce/redfr/redfront.red"$

2. If I use
in "$TEXMACS_REDUCE_PATH/install/tmprint.red"
instead of
load_package tmprint
this does not work. When I simply say
in "/path/to/tmprint.red"$
in console reduce in an xterm (without any .reducerc) I see a lot of 
messages, then the prompt appears. However, when called from TeXmacs, I 
see a number of messages (not so many), the last of them is
and no prompt appears.

It seems that the new source tmprint.red is not compatible with 
Reduce-3.8. Is this so? From what source has tmprint.b in the distribution 
been generated, and why isn't this source included in the Reduce 

Andrey Grozin

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