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Re[2]: [Thales] Thales IRCU support

From: Daniël Boeije
Subject: Re[2]: [Thales] Thales IRCU support
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 08:28:54 +0200

Hello Andy,

Well, I'm the only one who did a try to "translate" it in P10 with
help of the Undernet Coder Committee and the Jeux.Fr Coderz. The only
problem here is that my basic knowledge of C is very bad. Currently
the thales can only connect to the uplink and pong back. The biggest
problem is the servermechanism(for token S) and the nickmechanism(for
token N). I've spend a lot of time myself to find out how I had to
redo process.c so it would accept P10. I guess non of the other
networks did what I did. However the shellprovider where I was admin
got hacked for a third time and I lost my place to test it. If someone
is able to give me a shell for testing it (I can add C/N:lines on my
IRCd in the ScaryNet IRC Network) I would be able to do the
development on it again. BUT I'm only able to make a P10-only version.
And than I would appreciate some help from OTHERS. And not only from
the Coder Committees described in the first line of this email.

Best regards,
Daniël Boeije


Tuesday, October 7, 2003, 2:45:37 AM, you wrote:

AS> On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 06:37:27PM +0200, Daniël Boeije wrote:
>> Dear Lucas,
>> The problem is that there are much networks who are wanting to use
>> IRCu since it doesn't contain ****ing shit which is not needed by
>> normal opers. Turning to different IRCds means also turning to other
>> services, which is a big problem since there are no converters for
>> GNUWorld.

AS> Will you *please* give the man a break?

AS> All I have seen from you in the past year is repeated whines about
AS> how thales contains no IRCu support.  I don't speak for Lucas but
AS> for God's sake will you give it a rest.  This is Free software.
AS> IMHO Lucas went beyond the call of duty in even doing some research
AS> into how many users this actually affects - and now we see it is
AS> just 141 IRC users.

AS> If IRCu support in thales is so important for you then I urge you
AS> to;

AS> a) shut up, save your pennies, and employ someone to add it. or;
AS> b) shut up, find some time to learn C, MySQL C API, and the source
AS>    of thales, and add it yourself
AS> I am sure if either were done then Lucas would consider adding such
AS> code into the main source of thales.  If not then you can distribute
AS> it as a fork.

AS> The bottom line is - even if there were 141 million users on networks
AS> using IRCu - if Lucas doesn't feel like writing it then he doesn't
AS> have to.  He is under no obligation to do it.  If this makes you
AS> uncomfortable then I suggest you give up using open source software.

AS> Stop your incessant whining!  The man said no at least 3 times that
AS> I have seen.

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AS> Thales-misc mailing list
AS> address@hidden

Best regards,
 Daniël                            mailto:address@hidden

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