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Re[2]: [Thales] Thales IRCU support

From: Daniël Boeije
Subject: Re[2]: [Thales] Thales IRCU support
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 08:35:17 +0200

I forgot something to tell in the previous email. It's not a
modification which Lucas has to do in one day. All the networks I'm
known of which want thales are giving Lucas the time to do implant it
right. Maybe my reactions might like "now now now!", but it's not
something my network(s) drive on.

Tuesday, October 7, 2003, 2:45:37 AM, you wrote:

AS> On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 06:37:27PM +0200, Daniël Boeije wrote:
>> Dear Lucas,
>> The problem is that there are much networks who are wanting to use
>> IRCu since it doesn't contain ****ing shit which is not needed by
>> normal opers. Turning to different IRCds means also turning to other
>> services, which is a big problem since there are no converters for
>> GNUWorld.

AS> Will you *please* give the man a break?

AS> All I have seen from you in the past year is repeated whines about
AS> how thales contains no IRCu support.  I don't speak for Lucas but
AS> for God's sake will you give it a rest.  This is Free software.
AS> IMHO Lucas went beyond the call of duty in even doing some research
AS> into how many users this actually affects - and now we see it is
AS> just 141 IRC users.

AS> If IRCu support in thales is so important for you then I urge you
AS> to;

AS> a) shut up, save your pennies, and employ someone to add it. or;
AS> b) shut up, find some time to learn C, MySQL C API, and the source
AS>    of thales, and add it yourself
AS> I am sure if either were done then Lucas would consider adding such
AS> code into the main source of thales.  If not then you can distribute
AS> it as a fork.

AS> The bottom line is - even if there were 141 million users on networks
AS> using IRCu - if Lucas doesn't feel like writing it then he doesn't
AS> have to.  He is under no obligation to do it.  If this makes you
AS> uncomfortable then I suggest you give up using open source software.

AS> Stop your incessant whining!  The man said no at least 3 times that
AS> I have seen.

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AS> Thales-misc mailing list
AS> address@hidden

Best regards,
 Daniël                            mailto:address@hidden

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