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Re: [therion-users] Re: therion does a seg fault when I try and run it

From: Stacho Mudrak
Subject: Re: [therion-users] Re: therion does a seg fault when I try and run it
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 12:24:15 +0200
User-agent: Opera7.11/Win32 M2 build 2880

Fine, this weekend I should have some time to fix small bugs in therion. So If you have more of them, please mail me them. I'll also check warnings, that Wookey sent to me.

thpoint.cxx:446: warning: `.' not followed by `*' or digit in format
thats because you have at this line the following...

should that be instead the following?

Of course :)


The following is more serious.

thpoint.cxx:731: warning: assignment of negative value `-1' to `char'

void thpoint_parse_value(int & sv, double & dv, bool & qw, char & sign, char * str)
and later on....
        case '-':
        sign = -1;

OK my programming skills are rudimentary but if you assign a negative value to a character pointer then the variable will give a different value depending
whether the operating system is 32 or 64 bit. My Alpha is 64 bit.
The compiler warns about it and rightly so.

You're right. I'll check, whether I mix unsigned and signed chars somwhere else. And I'll try to change it.

argument to the  getopt_long function ! eeeewwww :-)

This is why I recommanded you to compile included getopt C code (in extern directory, it's done via make config-macosx). If it didn't help, the problem is probably not the getopt version...

The other idea: May be, I'm combining C and C++ code the wrong way (I just link .o files created by C and C++ compilers together). May be, it's not correct. I have no idea. I've studied mathematics, not computer programming... :(


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