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[Targnum-translating] some important points and bsd.he.html editor comm

From: the duke
Subject: [Targnum-translating] some important points and bsd.he.html editor comments
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 15:09:34 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030312

ZMan ZMan wrote:

the duke wrote:


Attached are the editor comments and the edited document.
Your former two documents were already sent for updating, I'll check whet's going on there while sending this one too.

What will be your next document?

By the way, since I see you like editing the documents I send you, maybe you'd like to become an editor, in addition to being a translator. There are many documents that need editing (see the TarGNUm page: targnum.gnu.org.il).

Thanx for the translation!

the duke


Thanks for the generous offer. :)
but i don't.want to become a translator, as i don't qualify : i tend to overlook, as you've already seen, the not-to-be-overlooked parts of the text.

I wouldn't worry about that. anyone who can read a document in a criticizing way is a good editor. So don't let qualification stop you. If you want to edit but think you're unqualified, just let me know what document you want, I'll do a revision of the editing anyway (just as I would like people to revise my editing). If you don't want to edit just because you don't want to, well, that's bummer for me :)

i hope that my fixes to your fixes of my work - don't be seen as rudeness.

No, it is most welcome, and needed for better translations.
I would be happy if you could revise more document I edited (like the main page, which I edited _and_ translated, which is against all standards. I would prefer someone else to edit it so any errors I made will be fixed), and send me the comments. when I'll fix the intial-announcement.he.html (went online, but I mislinked it from the philosophy page) I'll send it to you for a final revision.

i indeed use mozilla compose to make/edit html.

so just switch to the "retain original source formatting" mode. it'll solve the formatting problem.

i don't like carmel, please don't send me there - they have many inaccuracies (i've actually pointed them with a one !) - and translations that just do NOT fit - they are just people like me and you, and thanks for asking, but i prefer to make mistakes by myself, and don't get other's help with that... ;->

they are just people like you and me, but so are the GNU people, and the government, and the judges, and the police. but we let jusdges decide people's future, because they just enforce the law,and we let the police give us reports, since that's the way to stop people from making felonies, and we let the government tell us how to behave in this country, since we don't want to live in an anarchy, and according to the israeli decisions, they are the authority for these things. we may not agree with them, we may not like them, but it doesn't mean we won't obey to the law, and won't recognize them as an authority. we'll just try to affect them, or replace them with someone better.

The same goes for TarGNUm and Carmel. Carmel is not an authority because the people who created it are supere humans. It is an authority because some groups agreed they will be the authority. and TarGNUm is one of these groups.
They have several advantages:
1) they are dealing _only_ with the word list, thus developing better tools and resources for the task of collecting them. 2) they are recognized by several translation groups, giving them a strong potential to become a standard among the translators. 3) they are very open for discussion and suggestion, making them very easy for influence when certain translations seem inappropriate. 4) they lack the beurocracy which exists in large institutions, like the hebrew language academy. so they get updated quickly, and are very adjusted to the real situation and the popular language.

That last advantage is very important: we could use the hebrew academy as our official source for translations, but it takes them years to decide over a certain translation. By the time they will put the word into their list, not necessarily with our suggested translation, we will have the whole GNU site translated (and probably some other sites too).

But if we will use Carmel, in which I, as a group coordinator, can add a word in about 10 seconds, or comment on someone else's translation, or if I am unsure of the translation I can ask or opinions on their mailing list, we will have an updated translation for every word we need, whenever we need it.

Not only that, but we can also be sure that other project that translate program interfaces and specific documentation will use the same translation, which will make the whole system documentation consistent and easy to understand.

If we still want to make sure we use standard hebrew translations, Carmel can serve as the representative of it's members in the academy's discussions, giving it much more power than several groups offering tranlsations, which mostly has nothing with the other groups suggestions. and so we make sure our de-facto standard will have influence over the oficial standard.

The price, like in every pluralistic group, is that our suggestions will not always be accepted. that's a very small price, since our suggestions are not always better just because they are ours. and if they are based on a logical explanation (thus better), they have a high probability to become the official translation. if someone will offer a better translation, well, we profit again.

I too don't like all of their translations. but on the other hand, I never liked "דואל' for email, but it has become a standard word which I can't ignore, and I despise "יע"מ" for CPU, but if all of the other groups will use it, I should use it too. the translation is not for me, it is for the readers, and they shouldn't become confused when they read non-standard translations, just like I wouldn't like to read a computers related arcticle in the newspaper which uses self made translations for terms which I used to see in some other way.

And a last point for this explanation: yes, we can throw away the standard when we don't like it, and use our own translations. But when we don't respect the standard, we cannot expact and ask others to respect it when _we_ set it. That's the reason standards exist, and the Carmel standard is convenient enough for us to serve as the wordlist standard.

Except for that, you saw the replies to your comment on Carmel. they were very well written and explained. so whether your comment will be accepted or not, all the reasons will be given for why the translation selected is the best translation. and so you helped making Carmel a better word list. and we profit again :)

i want to make this crystal-clear : the only reason i've reordered the [ Language Links ] after you've told me not to, lays at the original document's source, as a comment, which tells this <Quote> Please keep this list alphabetical </Quote>
i think we indeed should follow the creator's request from translators...

Ok, that's an interesting point.
yet, according to my suggestion the order is maintained. the english order, that is. from that point of view you did messed to alphabetic order. Looking from a wider perspective, if we _will_ reorder the language links according to the hebrew alphabet, we will probably want in some point to offer the GNU guys to make the language-specific-ordering a standard among translations, so people who know french and hebrew, for example, won't get confused with quickly finding their link. but then the japanese group and chinese groups (both of them) will have a problem, since japanese has only partly official alphabetical order, and the chinese people have several ways to organize their sign order. and these are only the languages I know good enough to point a problem.

On the other hand, the native-characters solution seems logical, and would not create problems, since the only way to organize the links is according to a pre-set standard. by default - the english order. as said, by leaving the words in the english order we prepare ourselves for this standard.

if you think my explanation doesn't give a setisfying answer, you are most welcome to reopen the discussion on the address@hidden list. (found on the TarGNUm savannah page. I probably didn't tell you yet about the TarGNUm project page on savannah.gnu.org. the needed details will be sent to you on saturday with the TarGNUm status report sent to all TarGNUm members. you can take a look at it in the meanwhile: https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/targnum/)

Discussion like this one, or any other opinion about any of the TarGNUm standards or decisions, pro or con, are important for optimal development of the project, and are strongly encouraged. Feel free to comment or open a public discussion on any topic you see suitable.

The more faults we find, the more faults we can fix.

my next doc. will probably be : *Copyleft: Pragmatic Idealism (/philosophy/pragmatic.html)

It's yours.

On any case it is important to note that when you disagree with a standard, the right way to hadle the problem is to contact me, or the mailing list, and bring up the problem so it will be discussed and handled. But even then you should still use the standard, untill a new one is set. Just like you should obey the law, even if you don't like it. The good thing about TarGNUm standards, is that you don't need the kenneset to change them :) When and if the standard will be changed, the editors will make sure the translation is fixed (and if they aren't aware, you can always remind them they should fix the certain page). if you really hate the standard so that you totally refuse to use it, you can postpone the translation or sending of the page till the standard will be changed, and choose a different page in the meanwhile. but take into account that by then everyone will use the standard, so you might as well send it, and ask to fix it when the standard changes.

Hope I made everything clear.
If you have any more comments/questions, that's what coordinators are for (among the rest :))

     the duke

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