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Re: [XBoard-devel] XBoard 4.7.3: Full board textures + maximize window

From: H.G. Muller
Subject: Re: [XBoard-devel] XBoard 4.7.3: Full board textures + maximize window
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 21:38:03 +0200
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Sebastian Pipping schreef op 9/17/2014 5:55 PM:

On 17.09.2014 10:02, H.G. Muller wrote:
The problem seems to be that you want
one and the same texture bitmap to work over a very wide range of board
well, yes, of course.
XBoard was just never designed to do that. Before we switched to Cairo plotting, every single board size needed a separate set of images for the pieces.
Say hello to non-integer factor image scaling, please.
I tried that, and it looked very ugly on the textures, and in particular on the Xiangqi board.
With the shipped xqboard.png, it looks better now, but that does have to
do with the specific image.  In particular:

  * It can be crashed by resizing (small, big, crash), e.g. by running

      # wmctrl -r "xboard:" -e 0,0,0,100,100
      # wmctrl -r "xboard:" -e 0,0,0,1000,1000

    which makes XBoard crash with a Cairo assertion

      xboard: [..]/cairo-surface.c:930: cairo_surface_destroy:
      Assertion `((*&(&surface->ref_count)->ref_count) > 0)' failed.

    (Running cairo 1.12.16 over here).
Hmm, that is bad. I added two surface destoys, one for the original board, the other for the scaled one. The latter is only made and destroyed when the static variable n != 1., the former is always destoyed and recreated. I would have expected that to be OK. It is hard to debug if I cannot trigger the scaling. Perhaps I can with a strongly demagnified bitmap, which already needs scaling when I do a full screen on my display.
  * The lines

      if(w > 256 & h > 256) { // full-board image?
        while(squareSize*9 > n*w || squareSize*10 > n*h) n++;
      } else {
        while(squareSize > n*w || squareSize > n*h) n++;

    are the exact guessing that I asked /not/ to do.
Yes, I already warned that I had not addressed that point yet. There seemed little point in doing that if we could not get the scaling working, or when the results would be unsatisfactory. The problem is that the way you want it to work would wreck the behavior I would like to have for the version we distribute. The Xiangqi board that goes with the distro (preferably the ones we already have) should at least display at any standard board size, which means upto 129 x 129, and in the old code that was not the case, as your initial screenshot showed. So I need a type of scaling like I tried to implement with this patch, wich would occur without having to set an option that would wreck the non-full-board textures by also forcing the scaling on the latter by starting to scale those to full board size. That would sacrifice resolution way too early; it gives much better results to have overlapping high-resolution tiles than disjoint low-resolution tiles. The similarity of the tiles can be further disguised by randomizing their orientation (although I am not sure XBoard does that. WinBoard doesn, though). You convinced me that there would be some merit in an option that forces contiguous cutting, achieved by scaling the texture to exactly the required size, for Escherian boards.
    Furthermore, "&" probably should be "&&" and those
    loops could be resolved by using a non-loop formula.

  * It's still as broken for other_1800x2000.png .

To get it compiling, I needed to apply the gettext 0.18 patch from
https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?39970 . It would be cool to have
that applied upstream: even Debian stable has gettext 0.18 by now.
Which distro and version of gettext are you running?
I am running Ubuntu 10.04, which has gettext 0.17 and does not support higher versions. I don't really know much about Linux, and Arun Persaud does the gettext and autotools stuff, but this gettext problem seems very tough. The Debian patch would prevent me to compile it. It seems inconceivable that it would not be possible to have a version that would work on any gettext version from version 0.01 and up, as we only use the most basic features (the _(), N_() macros, and I think one other). This is confirmed by the fact that we never have to change anything in the actual C source. It is purely an autoconf problem, which drags a number of m4 macros from somewhere, which then aren't the version that some automatically generated Makefile then thinks it must insist on.
You can use wmctrl to blow up the window size even beyond screen size, e.g.

   wmctrl -r "xboard:" -e 0,0,0,2000,2000 ; echo $?

With wmctrl 1.07 and XFCE that works as expected over here.
OK thanks. That would be very useful.


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