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Re: [Xlog-discussion] Xlog and Grig

From: Pete Spotts
Subject: Re: [Xlog-discussion] Xlog and Grig
Date: Sat, 26 May 2012 20:27:05 -0400
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On 05/26/2012 01:50 AM, Pierfrancesco Caci wrote:

You can't have 2 programs polling the radio directly. To multiplex the
access to the radio among several hamlib-enabled software, you need to
run either rpc.rigd or rigctld (the authors of hamlib recommend rigctld
which is more maintained), which is a daemon that you launch in
background. You then configure the other program to access rigctld (or
rpc.rigd) using the "special" rigtype that this provides.
I use this setup to share radio control between fldigi, xdx, and xlog
all together.


Many thanks, Pierfrancesco,

In looking (too) quickly at the rigctld man page, it looks like I need to start it with the sorts of options that get put into the hamlib fields in, say Xlog. Would I still need to enter options there as well? Or does Xlog automatically work if a properly configured rgctld is running?

With best regards,


Peter N. Spotts -- W1PNS
Email: address@hidden | Skype: pspotts
QCWA #34679 | SKCC #4853T | QRP-ARCI #4174
NEQRP #714 | NAQCC #2446 | GQRP #13202

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Get on the air and make a contact!"
       -- Lyle Amundson, K0LFV

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