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Re: distribution of AUCTeX and built-in TeX/LaTeX modes

From: Jeremy Bryant
Subject: Re: distribution of AUCTeX and built-in TeX/LaTeX modes
Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 18:50:10 +0100

Arash Esbati <> writes:

> Jeremy Bryant <> writes:
>> Great, this seems to be a major obstacle removed!
> That was a good change also for other reasons -- kudos to Keita for
> doing it.
>> Again, this only works if users are provided with general network
>> access.  Depending on site policy, this is sometimes not permitted,
>> hence my original question.
> I see the point, but I'm not sure if that justifies putting AUCTeX and
> all other ELPA packages into core -- this is for Emacs maintainers to
> judge.
>> Good to know.  I agree this is a worthy goal.
>> Was the main blocker checking on FSF copyright assignment?  Or was it
>> the hooks renaming as above?
> FSF assignment is not an issue, AUCTeX wouldn't be available on GNU ELPA
> otherwise.  The major mode names was an issue, but I think more
> importantly, it wasn't high on our and Emacs developers list -- all
> seemed happy with what we have.
> Best, Arash

Arash, is the below wording on copyright assignment(from your link)
still accurate?  Are new contributors checked and if so should the
reference to 'ask the rest'?

 76  Future development and additional information  
 77  ---------------------------------------------  
 79  AUCTeX is proceeding as a GNU project with the long-term intent of  
 80  merging it into Emacs.  For that reason, all new contributors need to  
 81  assign copyright to their contributions to the FSF (the usual  
 82  procedure for Emacs contributors).  The same holds for past  
 83  contributors.  The principal authors and maintainers have already done  
 84  so, but it would require a diligent and diplomatic volunteer to find  
 85  and ask the rest.  
 87  Current AUCTeX managers are Arash Esbati, Mosè Giordano, and Tassilo  
 88  Horn.  Everybody is welcome to contribute to the project by reporting  
 89  bugs and suggesting improvements, but the most effective way of  
 90  helping AUCTeX development remains volunteering for tasks.  

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