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Re: Feature comparison Re: distribution of AUCTeX and built-in TeX/LaTeX

From: Arash Esbati
Subject: Re: Feature comparison Re: distribution of AUCTeX and built-in TeX/LaTeX modes
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 23:38:35 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Paul Nelson <> writes:

> There is some relevant discussion at
> which notes the slower load time of AUCTeX (once per session), some
> difference in the behavior of imenu (not an issue if you use
> consult-imenu, for instance),

In case this is about bug#32062, then you can mark it checked[1].

> and some advantages of sexp-based navigation in tex-mode (not an issue
> for me, since I use

Maybe I'll ask Stefan M. about the relevant code in tex-mode.el and try
to adjust AUCTeX, if that is still missing in AUCTeX.

> There's also some psychological comfort to knowing all the entry
> points to the software one uses, which is easier to do for tex-mode
> than for AUCTeX.  When all else is equal,

This is really my personal view on it (and I've never seriously used the
built-in mode), but the things I like in AUCTeX are (and I think they're
missing built-in tex-mode):

• Support for LaTeX packages which are loaded on demand: Have a look at
  the style-directory
• Possibility to extend the parser, heavily used for commands provided
  by packages.  Suppose you do:

      fontsize = \small  ,
      frame    = topline ,
      breaklines = false ,
      framesep = 4.5pt

  Now you only have to hit 'C-c C-n' and the new verbatim environment is
  setup completely and ready to use
• Completion support for (key=val) arguments
• Customized Ispell skip additions (not for flyspell, though)
• In-buffer completion for macros and their arguments, incl. user
  defined stuff like colors etc.
• Tight integration to RefTeX
• Better support for `docTeX-mode'
• Other minor issues which I think work better in AUCTeX, e.g., put this
  in a file and hit M-q:

      foobar foobar
    foobar and hit M-q here

  Note also that the 2 spaces are added after 'C-c C-o verbatim RET'.

> I think this is essentially the "feature bloat" criticism noted
> elsewhere in this thread.

My observation is that people start writing their first real document,
say PhD-thesis, with LaTeX and are overwhelmed by LaTeX itself, then
want to use AUCTeX and RefTeX in addition for the first time, see the
huge manuals, the time pressure in their neck, and then go with
something else because of the "feature bloat".  Of course, if one is
using LaTeX/RefTeX for only one project, it is probably not worth it to
spend the time.  But if one has to deal with LaTeX more often, then it
will pay off.

At any rate, we should be happy we have 2 modes and people have a
choice.  I'm not really fond of these feature comparisons; people should
try them out and make their own decision.

And to cite from the link you mentioned above:

  UPDATE: I figured out how to bring the two things I wanted from
  tex-mode to AucTeX (so now AucTeX is perfect, as far as I can tell


Best, Arash


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