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Re: NSPopUpButton*, NSMenu* patch.

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: NSPopUpButton*, NSMenu* patch.
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 23:14:51 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Michael,

I started processing part of the patches.

>         * Source/NSApplication.m: (-changeWindowsItem:) If the item in
>         question already exists we abort further processing.

Ok - applied this.

>         * Source/NSMenuView.m: (-sizeToFit) Check for popupbutton to
>         remove additional 1 pixel.

I'm still puzzled by this change.

I don't see the resizing you describe before the window is closed, and by
inserting NSLogs into the code I see that as soon as I click on the popup,
sizeToFit is executed and sets a certain frame.  sizeToFit is executed
other times - perhaps too many :-) - but it never sets a different size,
always the same one - always _cellSize.width + 1, so I can't understand
why you see a resizing at the end.

When do you see a resizing ?

> [changes to NSTabView.m] 


I'll look at the other NSMenu*, NSPopUpButton* changes tomorrow.

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