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[Bug-tar] --listed-incremental + --no-recursion + --files-from bug

From: Miek Gieben
Subject: [Bug-tar] --listed-incremental + --no-recursion + --files-from bug
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 00:08:28 +0200
User-agent: Vim/Mutt/Linux


I'm testing the latest cvs code of tar (version: 1.15.2). I think I
hit a bug when using the following options together:
--listed-incremental, --no-recursion and files-from.

I've compiled a small file which lists files from my home dir:
% cat filelist.miekg.doc| head

Note: in this file /no/ .svn subdirectories are listed.

Next, when I try this tar cmd line:
 /home/miekg/tmp/tar/src/tar --create --listed-incremental inc-file
 --no-recursion --files-from filelist.miekg.doc --verbose --file

I get /ALL/ directories from /home/miekg/doc including .svn/
directories which I deliberate did not include in the filelist.

I really needs these options to work with each other. Is there
a way to fix this?


  - Miek

http://www.miek.nl                      http://www.nlnetlabs.nl
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