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Re: [Bug-tar] --listed-incremental + --no-recursion + --files-from bug

From: Miek Gieben
Subject: Re: [Bug-tar] --listed-incremental + --no-recursion + --files-from bug
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 14:19:27 +0200
User-agent: Vim/Mutt/Linux

[On 18 Jun, @12:18, Sergey Poznyakoff wrote in "Re: [Bug-tar] --listed-increme 
> It appeared to me that --exclude or --exclude-from might help in your
> case. Have you tried it?

thanks for the suggestion, but I've used almost all of tar's
options over the past years :-)
By /not/ using --exclude(-from) I can build my own file list
with my own distinct options (like not backing up directories
with a .nobackup file in it), this is this doable with
--exclude but get's ugly very fast. So that's why I settled
for --file-from.

As you said in your other mail concerning this, you are working
on it. Do you accept patches?

grtz Miek

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