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Re: Mauve test question

From: Archie Cobbs
Subject: Re: Mauve test question
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004 13:46:58 -0600
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Jeroen Frijters wrote:
Also: I like the suggestion someone had of putting a moratorium
on Classpath changes until we can clean up all the Mauve checks.

That was me.

I.e., we need a "mauve-classpath" file that contains all the tests
an otherwise "perfect" Classpath-based VM should pass/not pass, etc.

Exactly! I think it can be a great motivational tool to have a set of
known good tests that can be gradually expanded, instead of the current
haphazard fixing. It would also help to be able to compare the different
VMs (and motivate the ones that have bugs to fix them).

Sounds great. Why don't we start by creating an "offical" mauve-classpath file that is CVS committed (either to mauve, or preferably somewhere in classpath) and which we will try to maintain. Any suggestions from anyone for a file to start with?


Archie Cobbs      *        CTO, Awarix        *

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