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digital communication undergraduate course

From: address@hidden
Subject: digital communication undergraduate course
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 2021 21:48:57 +0000

Dear GNU Radio community,
due to lockdown restricted access of students to universities, I have recorded
videos for the undergraduate course on Digital Communication. As I try to 
most concepts of discrete time digital signal processing with GNU Radio (and 
when needed for post-processing), I thought this community might be interested. 
remember that as a physicist by training, I have no basic knowledge on digital 
communication or SDR other than my own experience, so some topics might be 
either wrong 
or misrepresented, or both. This year's work has been to shift all (most ?) 
and demonstrations to GNU Radio 3.8. Feedback, comments and error reports are 
of course
welcome. All videos are at http://jmfriedt.free.fr/ under "Licence 3 EEA" 
degree -- electronics engineering):

http://jmfriedt.free.fr/TI2020_1.mp4 (1.5 h) -- Introduction, hardware, AM 
(aeronautical communication)

http://jmfriedt.free.fr/TI2020_2.mp4 (1.5 h) -- Modulations (FM, PM) -- 
to broadcast commercial FM and NOAA LEO satellite reception

http://jmfriedt.free.fr/TI2020_3.mp4 (1.0 h) -- Division Multiple Access, 
application to receiving multiple FM stations and POCSAG decoding using 

http://jmfriedt.free.fr/TI2020_4.mp4 (1.43 h) -- CDMA and GPS decoding. I 
forgot to mention the link http://jmfriedt.org/gps/gps_lab.tar.gz 
with datasets collected with a RTL-SDR DVB-T dongle at 1.57542 GHz carrier 
and a rate of 1.023 MS/s fitted with an active GPS antenna polarized by a 5-V 
bias T.

http://jmfriedt.free.fr/TI2020_5.mp4 (45 min) -- pulse compression and link 

http://jmfriedt.free.fr/TI2020_6.mp4 (1h40) -- antenna basics

http://jmfriedt.free.fr/TI2020_7.mp4 (45 min) -- channel capacity, Shannon 

http://jmfriedt.free.fr/TI2020_8.mp4 (1h40) -- synchronization and digital 
of radiofrequency signals 

Hoping that someone might find these useful and provide feedback,
best, JM

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