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Re: [Dolibarr-dev] Comments.

From: Christophe Battarel
Subject: Re: [Dolibarr-dev] Comments.
Date: Wed, 04 May 2011 21:58:16 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20110414 Thunderbird/3.1.10

Le 04/05/2011 20:53, Ditto Dito a écrit :
I use as well google translate but to follow the list it is really hard to 
The main thing to me is that we might  block some developters to join cause 
they don´t want to spend the effort to use google translate.
If this is true, then we most prominently lose from those 95% of french 
speaking people who won't invest themselves because this list is english.

Dolibarr-dev mailing list
I faced exactly the same problem in a mostly french CMS community and 
read the same arguments for english here.
Like Ditto Dito, i think you should consolidate on the 95% french 
speaking people, because you risk to lose a great part of them otherwise.
I think also that talking in the language of the community who build 
this tool should be considered as a mark of respect for them; and also 
that Dolibarr being a "fleuron" of the free software french touch, we 
should be proud to use french language.
I translate in french :

J'ai rencontré exactement le même souci dans la communauté d'un CMS open-source et j'ai lu les mêmes arguments en faveur de l'utilisation de la langue anglaise. Comme Ditto dito, je pense que l'on devrait consolider sur les 95% de francophones, pour ne pas risquer d'en perdre une grande partie.
Je pense aussi que ce serait une marque de respect d'utiliser la langue 
de la communauté qui construit cet outil; et que, Dolibarr étant un 
fleuron du logiciel libre français, nous devrions être fiers d'utiliser 
la langue française.

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