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Re: POLL: make C-x o transient

From: Zhiwei Chen
Subject: Re: POLL: make C-x o transient
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 12:21:45 +0000

> On Jan 25, 2021, at 1:52 PM, Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org> wrote:
> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
>> What benefits from this change:
>> 1. Fewer keystrokes for multi windows navigation
>> 2. Reduce the probability of RSI
>> 3. Able to navigate windows backwards
> Would you please spell out the behavior of your proposed new command?
> What would the change be for a user?

Presume `other-window' navigates clockwise, and current focus is on window 1.

| [1] |  2  |
|--- -+-----|
|  4  |  3  |

3/4 windows in Emacs are common in HiDPI users.

You have to press {C-x o} twice to go to window 3. Meanwhile, you have to
release the Control key to avoid the invocation of `delete-blank-lines' which is
bound to {C-x C-o} by default. It's painful for your little finger without an
external keyboard.

What will happen if we make {C-x o} bind to a transient map? {C-x o}, forget the
Control key and press "o" twice. It's easier to navigate to window 3 when
compared with the previous one. An analogue is `windmove-left' which is bound to
{S-<left>} by default. In practice, we press {S-<left>} without releasing of
Shift key since it's convenient for the next movement. The same for {C-x o} but
"the Shift key" is pressed implicitly when we enter transient state

Bonus: we can bind "O" to a counterclockwise `other-window' function.

Zhiwei Chen

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