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Re: [FR] Please add support for screenplay formatting

From: Christian Moe
Subject: Re: [FR] Please add support for screenplay formatting
Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2023 16:32:55 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 27.2

Ihor Radchenko writes:

> Fionn Stephens <fionnstephens@protonmail.com> writes:
>> I think support for screenplay formatting would be a useful feature to add. 
>> Like to how comments or quotes are done, it could be in between the tags: 
>> #+BEGIN_SCREENPLAY and #+END_SCREENPLAY. I think using the markdown used by 
>> Fountain would make the most sense.
>> For example, a section could look like:
>> ...
> May you please elaborate? What is screenplay? Is it a markup format?
> What do you mean by support? Export? Font-lock? Something else?

Fountain is a Markdown-inspired plain text format for screenplays

There exists a fountain-mode major mode for Emacs.

To my mind, Org should not support every kind of markup/markdown format
there is, but to the extent Fountain is the best format for screenplays,
and Org is good for organizing bits of screenplays, I think maybe using
Org-babel src blocks is the way to go?

Even without a dedicated ob-fountain package to support it, it can be
used today for tangling screenplays from blocks of Fountain format with
noweb syntax, editing blocks in fountain-mode, some limited syntax
highlighting etc.


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