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Re: Sanskrit/Devanagari fonts not exported to org-pdf output

From: Zenny
Subject: Re: Sanskrit/Devanagari fonts not exported to org-pdf output
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2023 15:46:06 +0200

Thanks Juan for prompt response, my replies inline below:

On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 10:24 AM Juan Manuel Macías <maciaschain@posteo.net> wrote:

I would recommend that you use babel, as it is the official package for
language support and now has many more options than polyglossia.

Thanks for the pointer and explanation.
You can
try this preamble (compiles in LuaLaTeX):

\babelprovide[_onchar_=ids fonts]{sanskrit-devanagari}
\babelfont[sanskrit-devanagari]{rm}{Noto Sans Devanagari}

Where does this preamble goes to? Any example?

With \babelprovide... there is no need to add a \selectlanguage or other
similar command. The problem with your example is that you need to put a
command to select the language before the Devanagari text, like

Yet I am a bit confused because the Sanskrit/Devanagari words are used not in a whole block, but in between English sentences, eg.:

Old _expression_ goes like स्वस्ति सत्यं वचति (meaning 'Always tell the truth with positive vibes') where स्वस्ति means positive, सत्यं means truth and वचति means tell or speak out.

 Any example would be appreciated for pdf export. Thanks again.

Best regards,

Juan Manuel

Zenny <garbytrash@gmail.com> escribió:

> Hi,
> I tried to export to pdf with the following:
>     #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{polyglossia}
>     #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{fontspec}
>     #+LATEX_COMPILER: xelatex (also tried with lualatex)
>     #+LATEX_HEADER:  \setmainlanguage{english}
>     #+LATEX_HEADER:  \setotherlanguage{sanskrit}
>     #+LATEX_HEADER:   \newfontfamily\devanagarifont{Noto Serif
>     Devanagari}
>     स्वस्ति सत्यं वचति
> but it exports alright to odt, and even pandoc exports alright
> directly from org file to docx file, but the Sanskrit/Devanagari fonts
> are skipped (blank) in pdf output when exported directly from org file
> with C-c C-e l o.
> Already tried with the solutions provided in
> https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/27576/exporting-devanagarai-text-from-org-mode-to-latex,
> but there are no such options (variables defined) after 'M-x
> customize-group' available.

Juan Manuel Macías





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