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Re: [patch] ox-latex.el: Add `LATEX_PRE_HEADER' keyword

From: Max Nikulin
Subject: Re: [patch] ox-latex.el: Add `LATEX_PRE_HEADER' keyword
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2023 17:07:41 +0700
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On 27/09/2023 02:12, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
I remember recipes like "put \usepackage{cmap} immediately after
\documentclass" (nowadays this particular one should not be necessary).
So I would prefer to avoid keywords per each chunk of preamble code.

I think that this would not be the case. This is not just any part of
the preamble, but a fairly definite part. Broadly speaking, LaTeX_header
would take care of what is after \documenclass (the axis of a LaTeX
document); LaTeX_pre_header would do it of anything that may have come
before. And both provide a less constricted preamble for advanced use of
LaTeX. Frankly, I can't think of a simpler solution.

LaTeX code may be inserted
- before \DocumentMetadata
- between \DocumentMetadata and \documentclass
- between \documentclass and preamble added by Org
- between Org preamble and \begin{document}

Since ordering is important, I would prefer to assemble preamble from predefined fragments (or replace particular ones) to putting code into these (and probably more) slots.

\begin{filecontents*} from the original post is not convincing.

Are you not convinced by some instructions that are included in the
official documentation of a LaTeX package (pdfx)?

More I read about .xmpdata, more it looks similar to an ugly kludge from my point of view. The following phrases are hardly consistent:
- "Including the metadata with the LATEX source is very convenient."
- "remember to remove the existing copy of \jobname.xmpdata file before the next processing run".
(A side note: "overwrite" option of filecontents looks promising.)

So the goal is an XML document embedded into PDF. I admit, Org can not provide it directly since e.g. PDF compliance level is responsibility of a PDF engine.

However the intermediate .xmpdata file may be provided independently of its .tex counterpart accordingly to docs. This file contains metadata and in Org metadata are managed through keywords. Significant fraction of metadata may be shared with HTML or MarkDown, so keywords should be considered as primary data. Writing this file from Org (e.g. by a babel source code block) should avoid issues with LaTeX input encodings described in the docs. Thus generation of .xmpdata during exporting of an .org file allows to keep metadata consistent.

Currently I do not see a way to get values of INFO argument of org-export functions from source code blocks making access to metadata tricky. This should be addressed somehow. I would consider specifying metadata in a way similar to org-babel header arguments to allow more fields than currently supported by Org. It should facilitate generation of \DocumentMedata, .xmpdada, etc.

Ability to overwrite fragments of preamble should be supported, but only as last resort. Specifying \DocumentMetadata or .xmpdata contents literally should be avoided to prevent discrepancy with metadata keywords.

I consider \begin{filecontents*}{\jobname.xmpdata} as an acceptable (but perhaps fragile) hack for LaTeX-first document. During export of Org file, this file should be written directly with values from Org metadata.

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