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Re: [Enigma-devel] level submission: minesweeper

From: Brian Huffman
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] level submission: minesweeper
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 20:34:55 -0700
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.1.6)

Quoting Andreas Lochmann <address@hidden>:

Now we only need your own solution times,
and a good title, and will release it with 1.1.

As a title ... traditionally (beginning with "Enigris"
I think), we try to create a portmanteau word from
"enigma" or "marble" and the game's name itself.
Difficult with "Minesweeper" ... "Marblesweeper"?
"Mineswigma"? Sounds like a psychic disease to me ...
"Triggersweeper" ... "Minigma" ... ? What do you think?

My best times for the latest revision are currently 1:22 for easy mode, and 2:00 on difficult.

As a title, I was thinking "Enigma" + "Mines" = "Enigmines" would work.

- Brian

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